SMoke and prayers for a girl I know...

I am trying to avoid even thinking about the "justice" part at this point, as are most of the people in the community. The time for that will come down the road. And if not in this life then in the next.

I wish I could step away from this for a while. But I am a part of the community and the community is a part of me. I can see how people from large metropolitan areas might hear of an incident like this in their city and just shrug and go on with their lives. This is one of the prime reasons I chose small town life. People care. People help.
Smoke and prayers from the north to the family of this beautiful young girl. As little as it may mean at a time like this, please try to have a happy Easter. I truely hope you folks hang that SOB when you do get your hands on him.
There was a breakthrough of sorts on the case today. Late this afternoon another piece of evidence was found which was only described as "significant". Tired searchers were sent out again to comb the area. I am too pooped to go into details tonight, but you can read the "tweets" of the WBBJ anchorman, Will Nunley, who has been here covering the event from the beginning. Here is the link. You don't have to be signed up to twitter to read it.!/willnunley
There was a breakthrough of sorts on the case today. Late this afternoon another piece of evidence was found which was only described as "significant". Tired searchers were sent out again to comb the area. I am too pooped to go into details tonight, but you can read the "tweets" of the WBBJ anchorman, Will Nunley, who has been here covering the event from the beginning. Here is the link. You don't have to be signed up to twitter to read it.!/willnunley

Man I pray this turns into something positve... God bless you and all who are working so hard to find Holly.

Thanks for the update Michael.
Yes and no. State Law Enforcement and FBI are not giving out any information, but FBI has her on their website listed as "kidnapped". Rumors are still rampant. They have stated that they do not need further volunteers to conduct searches for clues/evidence. They will not divulge what evidence has been found or how it applies to the case. They are not telling the public (media) who is on the list of "persons of interest" they have developed, but it is hard for the locals to ignore seeing agents headlock a local badboy and forcably take a DNA sample in public.

I occasionally see media talking heads standing in front of the closed fairground gates recording their soundbites for the five o'clock news. In the absence of real news, people who have been following this for entertainment have espoused some really off the wall theories, often adding details to TBI statements as embellishments which then get repeated as fact.

Myself, I feel as if I am living inside Pandora's box. I don't know anything that could help the investigation, but hear quite a few rumors that aren't making the rounds from several somewhat credible sources. And then with spring breaks staggered all across the state and country, unsupervised children are trolling the social sites so heavily as to make them almost useless as far as finding information.

Not to forget the psychics channeling their spirit guides and dead relatives, and the fans of Geraldo, Oprah, Nancy Grace and Mark Furman, etc.. You know, those personalities with drama skills who could solve the crime in a three episode extravaganza if only the family would sign a contract to be put through the ringer in public for our entertainment and their enrichment.

So nope, no news. But it isn't a "cold case" as some are now proclaiming out of boredom. "Entertain me!" :rolleyes:
It doesn't look like they are going to find her alive at this point. We can hope she still is, but you have to ask if she is what is she going through?
It's a messed up world when a girl like her can just be taken, as she leaves her own house. I hope they find poor Holly alive and she can return to her life. I hope if not the person(s) responsible are caught and executed. I can't imagine going through what this intelligent, beautiful girl has had/has to. Just makes my blood boil.
Prayers sent out. What the parents are going through is unbelievable. It's a horrible horrible feeling. I'd happily drive up to wait in line to get a shot at this guy.
Thanks friends. TBI (Tennessee Bureau of Investigation) is still confident that the case will be resolved, according to the opinion of at least one person inside the agency. It was just announced that a "massive search" was just initiated in a neighboring county to the West of us. My own hunch is the release of a pile of search warrants they have been accumulating over the past few days as results came back on forensic tests. We, the community, still have hope that she is alive, possibly this is a kidnap for ransom. My gut feeling all along was that it was not the handiwork of a single person working alone. If I am correct, "conspiricy to comit..." can be added to the expected charges when someone is arrested.
I had been following this story this week. I heard some personal items were found and that they had some dirrection in the case.

Best wishes.
Damn Michael. I'm a little late to this. Its impossible to comprehend what would make a person do something like this.

I grew up in a very small community, so I know the bond that folks have that live in those communities. Things like this are devastating. Back in the 70's, there was a local woman (Diane Downs) that shot her three kids along one of the roads about 2 miles from our house. She staged it to look like a stranger had done it, but it wasn't.

I can only hope that she will be found alive. Smoke going up from Oregon
Prayers sent. This is very disturbing and shakes the foundation of a small community where people care for one another. Hope she was able to fight back in some way and injure or do worse to the perp who did this.

- Mark
Wow. I seldom go into the Community forum and just saw this. That is horrible. Smoke and prayer for the young lady and her family and friends.