SMoke and prayers for a girl I know...

With hopes this young person is found safe. 20 years old. Just starting real life and I hope it is a long healthy one.
I know Codger's a bit out of sorts of that the moment, but have there been any significant updates?
I just caught up with this, prayers sent, what a traumatic experience. Sorry Codger, that would tweak me pretty hard too.

There is a lot of truth in her latest report. And a lot left out. Much of her source is gossip and idle speculation (rumor) generated on a "Topix" site which, as the days have rolled by, has become populated by people who fancy themselves Nancy Drew or the Hardy Boys. A few claim to be psychics or professional investigators. Even one person of interest (speculation by local and distant bloggers) has come on to proclaim his innocence and cooperation with law enforcement. This was the young man who was seen in the parking lot of a local restaurant "donating" his DNA (his words) while being wrestled into a headlock by FBI agents (we all thought they were TBI.. they all look alike from passing cars and restaurant tables).

Yes, it remains an unsettled mess. People are even driving in from other states to "lookie-loo" at the Bobo residence, as if they expected to see Holly in the yard, if not Elvis. "If it was my child" has become a rote mantra of every critic all the way to Calgary Canada in criticizing Karen Bobo, Holly's mother because she hasn't been vocal and given interviews, used psychics, cried in public enough, allowed people of the community to sell missing person tee shirts.

Her brother and father, in fact the whole family, has been accused of everything from murdering Holly to just short of the murders of JFK and Hoffa. Locals (much of what this author attributes to locals are in fact bloggers on Topix from elsewhere with names and locations hidden) are watchful and for the most part quiet on the topic of the disappearance. We continue to pray and be hopeful for a positive outcome to the ordeal. Few are yet willing to write her off as deceased or never to be found (one such rumor puts her as having been spirited out of the local airport to Venice, Florida and thence sold in China as a sex slave, another suggests a wood chipper at her father's tree service).

And then there is the gang who is just positive that the abduction is rooted in the drug trade. After all, the illegal drug trade uses Tennessee and out nearby interstate highway as a major corridor for manufacturing and distribution, thus Ohio will never control it's own drug problem until Tennessee is cleaned up. Never mind that I-40 runs East/West, not North/South. So in this fantasy, Holly is somehow caught up in drug wars. If not by her own participation, then by the participation of her brother and boyfriend who... alternately are heavy gamblers so it is all about a gambling debt.

So with tripe like this being pumped out, you can see where law enforcement, the family and the rest of us locals are keeping our own council and not feeding the speculation frenzy, which silence does anyway.

Heck, one "special private investigator" has even suggested that this county needs a Sheriff like Buford Pusser, God forbid. Maybe a real life version of that other fictitious lawman, Walker Texas Ranger, but we don't need a criminal like Pusser to make things worse. Chuck Norris... where are you?

Can you tell I am exasperated?:p
Hang in there, Codger. I'll remember you and the other concerned folks and Holly and her family in prayer.

I do know what small towns are like. A local teacher was murdered in her home and my grandpa was one of the locals who broke out the hunter orange and the deer rifles and worked the grid with the deputies.

May God reward all your efforts and bring closure to the family.
Smoke and prayers goin' out to Holly her family and friends Michael, volunteers included.

Sorry I was so late in seein' this, keep the faith.
my town is not a really big one and has very little serious crime, we had a teacher kidnapped&murdered in 92' and and a high school student kidnapped&murdered some years ago and those acts from what i heard shook the town pretty well. i hope to god she is found alive and well.
its been a while, and i haven't seen/heard anything
is there any significant updates on the case?
Thankyou for the suggestion. Literally hundreds of psychics, PI's and other "professional people finders" have offered their services. The case is in the hands of the Tennessee Bureau Of Investigation and the FBI. They, and only they, call the shots and know the evidence collected to this point. Private citizens have been told in effect to stand down.
There has been a disturbing trend lately in the south. It would seem mroe than a few blond haired, college types have been disappearing lately.

I hope that all of these young ladies cases are solved soon.