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spyderco para military

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I wouldn't think of buying using anything other than a Visa, M/C or similar card. Something that will give you the buying protection you will most certainly need from the looks of it.
Well, I ordered a few Paramilitary knives along with a few others that seemed too good to be true. So far I got two e-mails saying they refunded my money for each of the two Paras I tried to order. I suspect that I will recieve e-mails for the other knives saying they are out of stock on them as well.

I was not surprised or dissapointed. That is what I thought would happen. When I checked out, they didn't charge any shipping so I don't even think the order was a real one. If i get any of the knives for those low prices, I would be surprised. It was worth a shot. Almost like playing the lotto except it was free!

There is no free lunch once again. LOL!
Well I'm just about broke enough to not give it a try for that price. I guess I will serve as the screwing post if this is a scam. We'll see.

Order Details - Dec 30, 2006, 4:23 PM
Google Order #@#$#@#$#$%%

Qty Item Price
1 Persian, Black Micarta Handle, Plain (59410|C83BMP) $21.86
Tax (TX) : $0.00
Total: $21.86
Well, I ordered a few Paramilitary knives along with a few others that seemed too good to be true. So far I got two e-mails saying they refunded my money for each of the two Paras I tried to order. I suspect that I will recieve e-mails for the other knives saying they are out of stock on them as well.

I was not surprised or dissapointed. That is what I thought would happen. When I checked out, they didn't charge any shipping so I don't even think the order was a real one. If i get any of the knives for those low prices, I would be surprised. It was worth a shot. Almost like playing the lotto except it was free!

There is no free lunch once again. LOL!

Just saw this. Guess I can expect the same.
Well, I too have placed an order, for an ATR I used the google checkout with my Visa so I'm guessing it's safe? It shows the final order price of $22 something but then if you look around it says $5.95 for shipping but doesn't show shipping charges on the receipt. They're welcome to have my Visa, it's almost maxed out after Christmas. I just looked at the site again and darnit!, I just ordered my Manix from someone else for nearly $100 more, they do have a lot of deals here, LOL, I guess we'll find out. They also have all the Emersons in the mid $20 dollar range.
You do realize that we are all going to hell right? :)

Yes, I'm thinking that, but the guy on that site that is trying to scam us is going first. If it is a mistake, I'll give it back. I almost had the urge to call him because his number and address are on the order receipt I received but greed has overcome me. LOL, no, I will give it back.
That's incredible! I don't have a warm fuzzy about this website though. These prices are too good to be true almost. I don't believe Sal or any other manufactuer could produce those items in the US for that overhead cost.
- Can you? I would send a MO but I sure as hell would be skeptical about giving them my credit card info.
I noticed they also have many knives for full price and the Ka-Bar Doziers for MORE than other sites charge. They seem to feature M-Tech.

I think it's a come-on. You see the nice prices, order, they're out of them, so you buy the other, overpriced trash instead.
.......or maybe it's true, and you all will get really nice expensive knives for almost nothing, gosh this sounds almost too good to be true.........:p

Robbie Roberson :)
Well, I chickened out and cancelled my order, felt bad both ways, it could be a scam or I could make the guy go broke, hope it was the latter!
Esav, I did look to see if he had any Revolvers for that low price. :D

Heck, I may order something for myself at these prices.........:p

What if they are really this price ?

Robbie Roberson ;)
Just to let everyone here know "we are not a scam(tm)" - and I know how that comes across.. unsure if a person you just met is trustworthy.. with them telling you they are.. it's still a question in your mind.. I understand and am definately not offended by the speculation.. I had an unusual amount of volume today in knife sales and just had to find out what the source of it all was.. nice to see that somebody finally found my little domain and webstore..

I am a middle man for a wide variety of drop ship companies.. I operate with a wal*mart approach (don't sue me walmart.. dropping your name is a good thing in some people's opinions). I try to sell a lot at very low margin.. makes people buy more things which helps increase profit.. my margin already includes shipping costs which is why all who order don't get charged shipping..

To answer the question about qty in stock: I update levels once a day.. because I'm not the only one who uses my particular suppliers sometimes items sell out before I can process the order (which we jump on as fast as possible to prevent this) but due to the once a day updates and using google checkout the webstore stock quantity levels only update once a day.. we did do a few manual updates this time due to the large volume of orders for particular knives.. (mind you for me a 'large volume' is more than a couple orders a day - we're a small outfit that doesn't do much of any advertising apart from a product feed to google [also daily]) And I know how many people hate to get the 'out of stock' notice on things they order.. sorry about that. That's the reason we do refunds immediately.. better to get money back so you can find/buy it elsewhere first before someone else buys them out of stock as well, at least I think that way..

Please be aware there is a little bit longer of a delay than the "2 days" mentioned earlier depending on the product and the supplier it comes from.. my shipping times are advertised in each and every product description based upon the supplier it comes from.
And just to answer the next question.. those times are the supplier delay in business days to ship the product (they are busy people and DS'ers get lower priority.. not the most optimal situation but I don't exactly have the warehouse space to store multiple of every product I offer).

But if you do have any further questions feel free to fire away I'll check this thread over the next day or so.. or you can always drop us a line from our website's contact us page (mentioned at the start of this thread) or by directly emailing us at owner@americanhomeoutlet.com.. and if there's any question about whether we are with aho or not.. someone left us a message this evening letting us know our prices were very low and should be corrected.. to this I say thanks but I like offering less than msrp on products.. I do respect MAP pricing notifications provided to me by my suppliers so if there's a manufacturer unhappy about our prices.. definately do use a map and let your distributers know..

In closing, thank you for all the orders, we appreciate your business and if there's anything we can do to help, please do let us know.
So now to try to save you from ruin (or someone) I've lost my new $22.00 ATR? Curses! Maybe I shouldn't have cancelled.
SOG is that an abbreviation or the proper name of the item? Or if you have a sku for the product I can look to see.. but to be honest I highly doubt the suppliers I use sell weapons beyond those of the stabby nature..
Aho, you do have the SOG SEAL Revolver, I just now found it. That is a decent price too, but not as decent as those Spydercos.......:D

Did you know the SOG SEAL Revolver you are selling was designed by me ? :p

Great prices, and thanks for letting us know the pricing is for real.

Robbie Roberson ;)
Interesting.. as most of my system is automated in regards to product loads/feeds from suppliers I don't often get a chance to familiarize myself with my full catalog (it changes daily - new stuff comes in all the time - stuff gets discontinued and removed also on a daily basis).

And rarer still do I meet people who have had a hand in product design/creation/manufacturing..

I'd also better check to make sure it's not a violation of google checkout's policies..
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