Strider Marketing Joke

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I'm tatted up but I'm not a prick ;)

You want a chisel ground workhorse? Hit me up.

(PS, I actually was in combat... LOL)

Yeah, but you're OUR prick, CM. That makes it okay. :)

(Wait, that still doesn't sound right.)

EDIT: Gah. Read that backwards. Should have said "Yeah, but you're OUR tatted-up not-prick..." which would have been way less funny in my head. Sigh. I need more coffee. Carry on.
Tough situation... guy is a detestable loud con artist, BUT he got some decent blades out of the grinder... Passion or personal ethics, though choice on us poor knuts...
Interesting. You'd they'd want ESEE because... well... you know. Amazon jungle is kinda their thing.

^ As I stated, Ben: at this time, we're not able to confirm, nor deny, this sensitive information.

What I can tell you with complete certainty, is this: on April Fool's day, & the subsequent days that followed (back when everyone starting jumping to conclusions & casting aspersions about Strider), I actually visited the new San Marcos facility where strider was re-locating to.

I met personally with Josh Lee. He stated, that Strider was not closing up shop; that they were merely downsizing and consolidating their business. I also asked Josh specifically: "are the production SNG & SMF models going to be discontinued?" "Absolutely not," he replied.

I always find it funny, how people on the internet, have a way of keystroking their thoughts on a computer; twisting/tweaking facts, to fit whatever their agenda may be. :rolleyes: As for myself: let's just say, I try to analyze things, with an unbiased pragmatic common sense approach. :cool:

Perhaps someday (one of the member's here who seem to know it all), will write and publish a Biography, titled: Mick Strider The True Untold Story Behind the Legendary Knife Artisan.

Until then, reading one of these thread's, will always remind me of those tabloid publications I see next to the checkout line at my local Vons supermarket. :poop:
^ As I stated, Ben: at this time, we're not able to confirm, nor deny, this sensitive information.

What I can tell you with complete certainty, is this: on April Fool's day, & the subsequent days that followed (back when everyone starting jumping to conclusions & casting aspersions about Strider), I actually visited the new San Marcos facility where strider was re-locating to.

I met personally with Josh Lee. He stated, that Strider was not closing up shop; that they were merely downsizing and consolidating their business. I also asked Josh specifically: "are the production SNG & SMF models going to be discontinued?" "Absolutely not," was his reply.

I always find it funny, how people on the internet, have a way of keystroking their thoughts on a computer; twisting/tweaking facts, to fit whatever their agenda may be. :rolleyes: As for myself: let's just say, I try to analyze things, with an unbiased pragmatic common sense approach. :cool:

Perhaps someday (one of the member's here who seem to know it all), will write and publish a Biography, titled: Mick Strider The True Untold Story Behind the Legendary Knife Artisan.

Until then, reading one of these thread's, will always remind me of those tabloid publications I see next to the checkout line at my local Vons supermarket. :poop:
Did you read Micks statement. It sure sounds like a closing to me. For those of you who havent actually seen his post I copied the script here.

"25 years!
Wait what?
Twenty five years of the Mick and Duane show known as Strider Knives.
Twenty five years of the He Man Woman Haters Club.
Twenty five years of changing an industry.
Twenty five years of employing our retired friends and supporting those still in the fight.
Strider Knives is written into history
We have been hated and loved and hated some more.
I’ve been pondering over this post since January.
I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s just not possible to do in a single sitting. There’s just too much. I will be writing about this for some time….. So here’s the short
Duane and I have decided to retire Strider Knives Inc.
The last “Strider Knives” will be sold at Blade Show 2017, at the end of which we will strike the Strider Knives colors.
I will continue to produce select items on a limited basis thru MSC as my “Classic Line”. I will also continue warranty service on all Strider Knives products. Your guarantee is still valid.
Duane and I made this decision because Strider Knives isn’t the same. With he and I doing our own things, and our buddies having moved on to other things, we would rather finish strong then start doing the Indian casino circuit. When we started this there was a giant hole in the knife industry. We filled that hole.
There are now plenty of knife makers building actual hard use knives, we have earned a rest.
We started this ride with a PALS mentality and never once let off the gas pedal.
I’m proud to say it was an epic ride with a hell of a lot of amazing Friends.
Thank you all!!! PALS

m "

Now read that and tell me it is just a production move and now they will be producing more knives than ever. BS Marketing. "Striking the colors" "I will continue to produce select items on a limited basis thru MSC as my “Classic Line”" Notice he said "I" not a team of minions. BS BS BS. This is the crap that will keep me away from supporting this company. I dont care what you heard from JOSH this is Micks post. Mick is lying outright to his base. I think ill be spending my money elsewhere.
Becker definitely.
I would also put the cost efficient companies like Mora, Svord, Opinel into that list.

As far as the custom end, look at Daado, JK Knives, T.M. Hunt and CPK.

Anything associated with real life Ranger Justin Gingrich
I think ill be spending my money elsewhere.

^ Just buy another knife then, Rambo; if that's what makes you happy. :thumbsup: :)

^ Some people spend way too much of their valuable time, getting all amped up over issues/people they're really not qualified to judge.

I personally feel that the SnG, is one of thee finest designed blades I've ever had the pleasure of using.

^ Who need's a cat's paw, when you own a Strider!?! :D

If I had to choose only one knife to use from this day forward, it'd be a tough choice. It would be between my CRK Sebbie, or my SnG. :thumbsup::thumbsup:
If Strider continues forwards, then I am happy. The SnG through TAD Gear was my first folder over the three hundred mark. That was nearly twenty years ago. Despite their history of shady marketing, I remain a fan of Strider products in general. I sincerely hope they find their way back to offering simple, no-frills tools with additional choices of blade steel as a standard. Leave the bling blades to DDC and MSC.
Anything associated with real life Ranger Justin Gingrich
Doesnt Ka-Bar own Becker. Not that that matters I think Ka-Bar is a pretty great company lots of history and from what I know little drama.
Its not that the drama keeps me away from a great product. I think a Hinderer wold be as good as a Strider but its the "Assholeism" that bothers me. If a dude is a prick to you and then says "hey spend a crap load on this item I made", sorry I just cant do it. Its kinda like the- If they lie with you then they will lie to you- philosophy how can I trust them to treat me right after I bought the product if they lie to me to get me to buy it.
^ As I stated, Ben: at this time, we're not able to confirm, nor deny, this sensitive information.

What I can tell you with complete certainty, is this: on April Fool's day, & the subsequent days that followed (back when everyone starting jumping to conclusions & casting aspersions about Strider), I actually visited the new San Marcos facility where strider was re-locating to.

I met personally with Josh Lee. He stated, that Strider was not closing up shop; that they were merely downsizing and consolidating their business. I also asked Josh specifically: "are the production SNG & SMF models going to be discontinued?" "Absolutely not," he replied.

I always find it funny, how people on the internet, have a way of keystroking their thoughts on a computer; twisting/tweaking facts, to fit whatever their agenda may be. :rolleyes: As for myself: let's just say, I try to analyze things, with an unbiased pragmatic common sense approach. :cool:

Perhaps someday (one of the member's here who seem to know it all), will write and publish a Biography, titled: Mick Strider The True Untold Story Behind the Legendary Knife Artisan.

Until then, reading one of these thread's, will always remind me of those tabloid publications I see next to the checkout line at my local Vons supermarket. :poop:

That story has already been written about the scumbag. The owner of bladeforums put together this very detailed and fact based document on the subject. Disagree all you want but you are wrong.

It is interesting learning about who did what, and what caused people to dislike certain makers.

So far, I have seen dirt on Marfione, Strider, and Emerson (can't remember what emerson did but I usually see the name accompanies with bad connotation)...interesting stuff.
Oh my Lord Stab!!! Seeing the dreaded wood lobster once was enough for me!!
A very scary creature, if there ever was one!!

Indeed it was! :eek:

Oh and anytime someone shows pics of a Medford I cringe a little. Then I die a little. They should join up with Quartermaster R&D and do a collaboration and call it "A massive chunk of China in yo pocket".

It was exactly due to posts like these that I went and bought a Medford, to see if there was any merit to the hate.
Turns out there was no merit to the feelings at all...but hate on, my friend, hate on. ;)

Secondly: If Strider's and Medford knives are good enough for my favorite BF idol, Stabman, they're sure in the hell good enough for me. :thumbsup: :cool:

"Coming this summer, the reality show no one asked for, Bladeforums Idol!!!
Who can spend the largest chunk of their income on one of mankind's first tools?
Who can take more pictures of knives than of their friends, wife, and kids combined?
Tune in to find out!"
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Indeed it was! :eek:

It was exactly due to posts like these that I went and bought a Medford, to see if there was any merit to the hate.
Turns out there was no merit to the feelings at all...but hate on, my friend, hate on. ;)

"Coming this summer, the reality show no one asked for, Bladeforums Idol!!!
Who can spend the largest chunk of their income on one of mankind's first tools?
Who can take more pictures of knives than of their friends, wife, and kids combined?
Tune in to find out!"
It all depends on how pretty the wife and kids are. Some of my knives look pretty good:) I have nothing against medford as a company and their knives are really strong I am sure. But I just personally think they are ugly as sin. It is funny tho how much one of their folders looks like a strider.
It all depends on how pretty the wife and kids are. Some of my knives look pretty good:) I have nothing against medford as a company and their knives are really strong I am sure. But I just personally think they are ugly as sin. It is funny tho how much one of their folders looks like a strider.

The Deployment 187 series has a "Strideresque" design ethic for sure, while being different enough to be, well, different.
They're in the same price range too (less than many of the Strider offerings, actually), and could be a great alternative for those who want to avoid the "Stolen Valour" issues associated with Strider.

Medford has issues of being a bit...not shy about sharing his opinions, shall we say, but he does not make up extra military service credentials.

As for ugliness of knives, I too find some of the designs to be ugly, but that is the case with many designers/manufacturers who make a wide variety of designs.
I really like Spyderco knives, and have more of them than from any other single manufacturer, but some models are just really, REALLY not for me. :)
Same here. I have more spydercos than any other but some their knives I can't get past the looks, even from some of my favorite designers!
Well buck id say does some shady stuff. Like having parts made by joti in taiwan for their USA made knives. But spyderco has class for days. Always giving credit to others even if no one else does.

interesting. did not know this. can you elaborate on details or in a new thread so not to clutter this one. thanks.
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