Tacticlol Knives

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For such a huge Spyderco fan, you apparently have not read what Sal has written about the creation of the Civillian in the forums.

Everything I've read said it was made for DEA agents who didn't know how to use a knife for defense, and that it wasn't intended to be used for anything else but defense. If you've got a link to something I haven't read, I'd be all for reading it.

I'm sorry but it still screams mall ninja to me.
Still have mine too! I think it was a gunshow pick up, I know it was less than $20...I abused the hell out of it for quite a while and it never broke..

Its funny you mention a s&w swat..I have one that I got for a christmas present about oh,,,,8-9 years ago..Big silver club of a knife...I have to say that I have abused that knife in so many ways..
Ive butchered squirrel,rabbit,birds and beaver to name a few critters. Deboned deer and cut more bank poles than I can count. Miles of haystring and feedsacks..:thumbup: That thing has been a workhorse. Only the smallest of bladeplay after years of real use. Laugh at that ol' thing all you want but by golly its earned a place in my pocket..I bet that thing has seen a hundred times more blood,meat and wood than the next fifty knives will ever see..
I manily carry a kershaw Boa now but I trust that ol s&w swat to do what ever I ask of it..I just have to sharpen it more often is all..
Heh, "embarrassed of Spyderco".... :jerkit:
The Spyderco Civilian is a BEAUTIFUL knife, especially in hand. I've had one for 3 years and ended up giving it away to a good friend who was totally blown by the design. Definitely not a tacticLOL knife. And I actually am embarrassed that we have such blunt people here on bladeforums, guy, shame on you!
Something about this one just doesnt look right at all... The design bugs me..

Was that made from ice skates?
You make fun of some no name company for their blade design everyone starts lumping in and laughing at it. (Dark ops, Mantis, ect.) You start to slam some respected knife company for their knife design everyone starts screaming bloody murder.

Granted I think I'll get one, but if this was made by anyone else like Dark Ops everyone would be like TACTICLOL!
Granted I think I'll get one, but if this was made by anyone else like Dark Ops everyone would be like TACTICLOL!

I'll go on the record and say I definitely think that thing is tacticlol as all get out. I'm not adverse to the "survival credit card" concept, with a sharp edge and some tools built in, but the "finger holes so I can punch you with my sharpened credit card" thing cracks me the hell up.

I guess when the crook says "give me your wallet", you will pull it out, then using your ninja-like speed and reflexes, grab the credit card, place your fingers in the holes, and go to town :D
I'll go on the record and say I definitely think that thing is tacticlol as all get out. I'm not adverse to the "survival credit card" concept, with a sharp edge and some tools built in, but the "finger holes so I can punch you with my sharpened credit card" thing cracks me the hell up.

I guess when the crook says "give me your wallet", you will pull it out, then using your ninja-like speed and reflexes, grab the credit card, place your fingers in the holes, and go to town :D

But it can't be mall ninja because it's Microtech :p

I dunno for me you can never have too many knives on your person.

Primary blade, secondary blade, mutli tool blade, back up multi tool blade, swiss army, neck knife, wallet knife, money clip knife....

While I'm at it I think can call any MT knife "mall ninja" or Tacticlol.


Look at those holes in the blade and the notch near the tip, sooo ridiculous.


Glass breaker? Switch blade? Fully serrated back with partial serrated front end? Probably for teenagers.


Partial serrated? Middle fuller on a spear point dagger? notches in the fuller? Probebly appealing to teenagers agian.

Not offending microtech users I love MT knives, but people seriously, what makes those knives tacticlol that a Microtech is not?

Just for kicks...


Okay now THATS mall ninja.
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Heh, "embarrassed of Spyderco".... :jerkit:
The Spyderco Civilian is a BEAUTIFUL knife, especially in hand. I've had one for 3 years and ended up giving it away to a good friend who was totally blown by the design. Definitely not a tacticLOL knife. And I actually am embarrassed that we have such blunt people here on bladeforums, guy, shame on you!

Hey fanboy, you know this thread is all about opinion right? Oh, and I think you missed the part about it being all in FUN.
You make fun of some no name company for their blade design everyone starts lumping in and laughing at it. (Dark ops, Mantis, ect.) You start to slam some respected knife company for their knife design everyone starts screaming bloody murder.

Granted I think I'll get one, but if this was made by anyone else like Dark Ops everyone would be like TACTICLOL!


like Snody? ;)
I am a huge spyderco fan, and I agree that the civvy is a mall ninja's dream. Knives "designed for self defense" are almost always idiotic in my eyes, and that one fits the bill. If I genuinely believed I was going to have to defend myself, I'd carry either a big stick or a gun, and wouldn't sit around fantasizing about using a knife to do so. If I'm using a knife to defend myself, I've screwed up something so epically that I probably deserve the combination of severe injury and legal trouble that I am about to experience.

...there are several cases where I would be forced to defend myself with a knife when I have made no mistakes....I'm a nursing student, so no firearms at school...when I go onto Ft. Sam, again, no firearms...so I have to make do with an edged weapon..
Sigh... none of you get it !

Many of the knives and ventilating tools pictured in this thread are for use only by highly skilled Operators.Since none of you actually are Operators , you will never know just how brutal and effecient these weapons can be.


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Yes, it is a design to fulfill a specific function, unlike the "tacticlol" designs which seem more aimed at insecure teenagers.
This being said, while Spyderco knives are typically the result of thoughtful design, I do think that -in my unexperienced perception- the Civilian could have been made better. How? Well, by using basic and dirt cheap 420 steel instead of VG10.
Bear with me for a moment:
- A number of Civilian tips were broken when used for something else than "its intended purpose". Now 420 being a more elastic, more tough steel than VG10, I'm sure that the knife tip could better handle some minor abuse with it.
- 420 is extremely stainless, more so than VG10, the difference will be noticeable in seaside areas.
- But what about edge retention? Well, I cannot imagine anyone who's not a "pro" (a) encountering 10 knife fights in his life (if you think it's possible then it's time to move house!) and (b) surviving them all. For this number of usages the edge retention of 420 will be plenty sufficient.

Everything I've read said it was made for DEA agents who didn't know how to use a knife for defense, and that it wasn't intended to be used for anything else but defense. If you've got a link to something I haven't read, I'd be all for reading it.

I'm sorry but it still screams mall ninja to me.

I guess the guys who commissioned this are all mall ninjas and armchair commandos who never go in harm's way?
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Many of the knives and ventilating tools pictured in this thread are for use only by highly skilled Operators.Since none of you actually are Operators , you will never know just how brutal and effecient these weapons can be.

Oh, I think we know. These wounds were allegedly inflicted in prison, probably by an unskilled operator with a shiv.

Originally Posted by MustardMan
Everything I've read said it was made for DEA agents who didn't know how to use a knife for defense, and that it wasn't intended to be used for anything else but defense. If you've got a link to something I haven't read, I'd be all for reading it.

I'm sorry but it still screams mall ninja to me.

I guess the guys who commissioned this are all mall ninjas and armchair commandos who never go in harm's way?

Sal at Spyderco made it right? Just saying.....I don't know if the DEA actually commissioned it or if Sal just made it for them - IF the background story is true. I'll have to research it later...intriquing but I'm busy now. :)

Oh, I think we know. These wounds were allegedly inflicted in prison, probably by an unskilled operator with a shiv.

DANG!! :eek: The cutter sure must been an aspiring operator!
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