The "Ask Nathan a question" thread

Nathan, I found myself wondering this as I was falling asleep last night…

What’s your most bulletproof, unbreakable blade? Not to include the recent fireman’s breaching tool. Behemother? K18?

The SDFK is pretty stout but the 10" Heavy Chopper is probably the most retard resistant knife we've ever made (excluding the fireman's breaching tool)
Follow-up, since I see that Nathan the Machinist Nathan the Machinist "liked" the reply just above...

Nate, how far behind would you rate the "signature" version of the SDFK, if at all? Ballpark, obviously not expecting anything beyond a reasonable guesstimate. Thanks.

Obviously, the signature build is not stronger than the basic build. But, if I did my job right, when used as a knife there is no real difference.

A swedged version of a knife removes meat from the spine near the tip which would certainly reduce the prying strength. Meaning, if you were to bury a couple inches of that knife into some wood and then put a big lateral load on it, the basic has more meat.