The "Official" Fiddleback OFF-TOPIC thread!!!!!!!!

A beautiful visitor

The Eastern Corn Snake, Elaphe guttatta

My wife would have made me burn the house down and then drop an atomic bomb on the ashes for good measure if she had seen that.

Cool pic!

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Thank you to fogdart for the smoked salmon recipe I used. It was exactly what I was looking for. It was extremely simple. That worked in my favor as the day got very hectic. I didn't even smoke until late in the day. I made a mistake in duration as I dried it out slightly but the flavor gets an "A". My wife I loved it!


Peppered version on left

Oh my!! That smoked salmon looks great Dave!!! Looking at that pic makes me rethink my decision not to go fly fishing for silvers in Alaska with my dad this fall.

Here is another little knife I made recently. I almost forgot about it until I found it in my pack today. I guess that is a sign of a real problem. I have so many knives I forget about some of them. :eek:

I did not bother with hand sanding the flats on this one.


Tod, I really like that blade. That looks like a great little EDC. I'd absolutely but that kife.

A few of my toys this camping weekend.
Does anyone know where I can snag a Mid Tech Kephart at? I can't seem to.find any for sale

Resident assistant thread jacker
I think they only ran a batch or two of them that were sold here on the forum. Not sure if they're out at dealers yet.
Anyone else having forum issues?

I keep getting the Error 520 Code. Can't post real time. Some posts will show up, others not so much.

Won't know if you guys can see this for about 45 minutes, then its a crapshoot after that