The UK set to ban "zombie" knives

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Hilarious. If I wanted to stab someone I'd buy a easily concealed kitchen knife from the £1 shop. Stab the bloke. Then chuck it into the river.

That's what the proper scary people would do. Proper scary people wouldnt buy a knife online with their own card, have it shipped to their HOME ADDRESS, post pics of them holding it online .... and then somehow go out and stab someone with it without getting seen coming from a mile away.
It might be true (as parts of Europe has gone collectively insane, but lets not go there), it might not be.
I couldnt be bothered to verify the info (worse things have happened/happen in the UK), but pls dont trust 'The Daily Fail' as your only source.
As with the gun ban, its silly to think you can legislate your way out of criminal behavior.
If pond scum aims to do harm, they will do so. Outlawed blades or not.
Sad to see what the once mighty UK has become. Now it's almost impossible to believe the Brits actually ever published the Magna Carta 800 years ago.

Believe this to be from another commonwealth country, Australia.
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I like the Bobby poseing with the knife for the camera.

Police found a two-foot 'apocalypse head decapitator knife in a alley used by gangs. I feel pity for them.
"Any injury would be fatal"

The stabbing that spurred the hue and cry against the "Zombie Knives" was perpetrated with a small kitchen knife:

"Forensics officers recovered two knives from near the scene today, one a silver kitchen knife and the other a black-handled knife, but it is not yet clear whether either was involved in the stabbing."

Here is a peek at a 2026 headline:

"Cricket Bats banned after latest clubbing death..."

And so it goes.

Sad to see what the once mighty UK has become. Now it's almost impossible to believe the Brits actually ever published the Magna Carta 800 years ago.

Believe this to be from another commonwealth country, Australia.

Hey, those can cause a bit of a scratch if you push really really hard.
Banning zombie knives is the same as banning black rifles. If you want to commit murder with a knife and cant find a zombie knife a machete from a garden centre or a chef knife will do just fine. If you want to commit a jihad and commjt murder with a rifle and cannot get hands on a black 'assult rifle' a mini 14 or sks will do just fine. Hell in Canada Capital a guy went on his own jihad with a 30-30. The press wanted to know where he would get his hands on a winchester lever 30-30.? The answer pretty much anywhere.
What we need to get across to stupid media people is that if people are intent on killing pretty much any blade made in the last millenium and any gun made in the last century will do a good job of it
If they do this i bet 28 days later...........


That happens.
I would have tossed that "2 foot apocalypse head decapitator" in an alley too once the cheap a$$ cord wrap handle started unravelling...
For that little bit of money, the blade will probably break off on the first hit. At least the blade is long enough that if it does break, there will still be some jagged metal left over for a second strike.😀
Once they ban all the knives criminals will have no way to stab anyone right?...

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Hey, those can cause a bit of a scratch if you push really really hard.

I think this is highly optimistic. If you've ever been forced to use such crap, you'd know that they usually break with any pressure, warp if used on something hot, and generally serve no purpose other than to make someone money and add to the garbage pile.
Wouldn't it just make more sense to ban zombies? After all, that's how the UK got rid of criminal gangs - they made 'em illegal. Bam! No more crime! No zombies; no need for zombie knives. Simple.

At the rate they are going, soon the most dangerous item Brits will be allowed to own/carry will be Q-Tips. Try fending off a zombie with that...
I guess criminals will have to go back to good ol' machetes that are nowhere near as dangerous because they're not painted green and don't contain the words "zombie killer" in their name.
I guess criminals will have to go back to good ol' machetes that are nowhere near as dangerous because they're not painted green and don't contain the words "zombie killer" in their name.
That barbarian who decapitated a British soldier in broad daylight a while back used a meat cleaver IIRC. Was it painted green? Is the green paint what makes them so lethal?
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