The ZT0801

Just got mine today! This blade this so full of win and amazing it is unbelievable! Slimmer to carry than my 0550 for the same blade length. This is my 1st flipper so I'm not really a judge of a good flipper but I can't seem misfire it no matter how lazy if get with it, and it's crazy smooth feeling to open. I'm just blown away by the's beyond anything else I own. Its so good I'm literally blanking on how to praise it...its just so nice...
I think the craziest thing about this knife is the price. When I think full titanium, lockbar insert, elmax etc. I dont think sub $200 price range. At the very least I expect some finish issues to keep that price realistic. But It would seem they actually made these just as nice if not nicer than their past efforts. Talk about a home run. I usually never buy duplicates. In this case I simply couldnt help it.
I pre ordered mine from Knifecenter which means I'll probably never see it! Just like my 0600. I'm on Blade Hq's list though so that may be my saving grace. I love my 801!

Good luck with BHQ. I pre-ordered with them back in Feb./Mar. time frame. Finally had to cancel and go with Kershawguy.

FYI - the BHQ website still shows out of stock. Not sure if they are even filling pre-orders but a moot point for me now. From now on I know where to pre-order from.
Ok, so after messing with it all night I have come up with two extremely minor issue/annoyances. 1st...I can see the teflon/nylon/whatever bearing assembly through the lock-bar cutout, and it's blue, which stands out a a little against the gorgeous Ti scales. And 2nd, I makes me want a 0801CF so freaking badly, but I dunno how I'll afford to buy one/not get castrated by my lady if I do!!! ^^;
I received my ZT0801 yesterday....and then I received another one, on the same day. It appears as though I had forgotten I'd already ordered one, so now I have two fine specimins from two different distributors. :D
Oh well, it's a nice knife! :) Both have perfectly centered blades and flip very smoothly. The only difference I can see in the two is that one locks up at 40% and the other is at 50%.
Ok, so after messing with it all night I have come up with two extremely minor issue/annoyances. 1st...I can see the teflon/nylon/whatever bearing assembly through the lock-bar cutout, and it's blue, which stands out a a little against the gorgeous Ti scales. And 2nd, I makes me want a 0801CF so freaking badly, but I dunno how I'll afford to buy one/not get castrated by my lady if I do!!! ^^;

I hope the first issue is a joke, but I didn't see a smiley so guess not. I don't know of a single folder that I can't see the washer/bearing if I look into the lockbar cut out. Just the nature of the design. The second issue I'm there with you. The 0801 is a home run in everyway. An LE model is just icing on the KAI cake.
I hope the first issue is a joke, but I didn't see a smiley so guess not. I don't know of a single folder that I can't see the washer/bearing if I look into the lockbar cut out. Just the nature of the design. The second issue I'm there with you. The 0801 is a home run in everyway. An LE model is just icing on the KAI cake.

his issue may be that the bearing washer is more visible than most knives and it can be seen without really looking too hard. More so when the knife is open. I have had a couple people ask me what the blue thing when Im using the knife. I however dont really care. I think the knife is exceptional in fit, finish and value. I can handle a little blue. It reminds me of them lovely bearings keeping it so smooth.
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Postman just deliver mine (SN #607); beautiful F&F. Will be ordering the CF when available. I was surprised at the lack of thumbstuds (blade stops)-guess I should have looked at the pictures more closely, doh!!. I need to learn to use the flipper.

Update: after 1 day working with it around the garden (cutting vines & small branches, batoning, digging out tree sappings, etc.), I am starting to like the flipper (I am more of a thumbstud guy even with the ZT0560). Also nice is the good blade to handle ratio-on par with the BM 710, but with a much sturdier blade. The handle is a perfect fit for my hand, not too big (spydie military), not too small (spydie native5) with no hot spots. It is definitely in my EDC rotation. Will be getting the CF version when it comes out.
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Postman just deliver mine (SN #607); beautiful F&F. Will be ordering the CF when available. I was surprised at the lack of thumbstuds (blade stops)-guess I should have looked at the pictures more closely. I need to learn to use the flipper.

Yeah, its based on the rexford singularity so no thumbstuds. Honestly if my two examples are indicators of the average detent, then thumbstuds would be asking for problems. Even though the 560/1 has bladestops that people use as thumbstuds its been said a few times they werent intended as such and they had some backlash from people that had strong detents. Definitely learn to use that flipper. You may just find you like it better.
Ok, so after messing with it all night I have come up with two extremely minor issue/annoyances. 1st...I can see the teflon/nylon/whatever bearing assembly through the lock-bar cutout, and it's blue, which stands out a a little against the gorgeous Ti scales. And 2nd, I makes me want a 0801CF so freaking badly, but I dunno how I'll afford to buy one/not get castrated by my lady if I do!!! ^^;

Yes, you can see a small part of the bearing washer when you look in the opening where we have machined the locking surface of the lockbar. The reason for this is because we build the knife a little differently than Todd does. When Todd makes the lockbar cut, he does it with a small saw blade or a thin cutting wheel. This creates a narrower opening. He also uses a different bearing system, which takes up less room than the bearing washers we use in production.

We mill the locking surface of the lockbar with a .0625" end mill. That means that the slot we create ends up being about 0.070" wide. It comes down to basic math - wider opening combined with larger bearing washer equals - we ran out of room. We tried lots of ways to avoid this, but the design just didn't allow for it. Thankfully, it's pretty minimal, and you have to be looking for it to see it.

The amount that's visible is about 0.020", so it shouldn't be too much of a concern.
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After a day with the 0801, I have only come up with one gripe. It is a fairly slippery knife to hang onto when opening and closing, but especially when closing with one hand. So if ZT is listening, add some traction to the scales for version 2. :)
I don't remember if folks have posted photos of the grind/blade profile...not great pics but might have the flavor of the knife....there are a lot of details that didn't show in the knife videos and pics that made me appreciate the knife more since I got it.

Just got mine today. Question: Have you ever regretted getting rid of one knife in order to get another? I sold off an 0550 blk to get an 801. Guess who is NOT regretting that decision? This guy! Best knife under $300 IMHO. Thank you ZT for the lack of jimping and for getting the jimping on the right part of the flipper. I always thought the jimping on the 0560 flipper was backwards. This little bit of jimping on the top of the flipper makes sense. The Ti scales also give it a rather narrow feel in the pocket. Very excited about this one! Thank you to those who raved about this knife. I was going to let this one pass by.
Ill have mine tomorrow i hope from Dave. Cant wait...after hearing so much about it to get one in my hand.
I carried my 0801 for several days now. I like it. Today, I swapped it out for the new 0550 that just came in. Got to give it some pocket time, too. :)