What Makes a Good, Traditional Barlow?

WOW Charlie! That Barlow will bring a tear to yer eye! I am gonna have to have me one for sure.
Looking good thus far. Hopefully they won't ruin the look by stamping/engraving serial numbers in those bolsters.
Look, y'all made the cover:


~ P.
I was hooked on Barlows by an I*XL that was my grandfather's.
Unfortunately, it's too worn to carry much.
I bought a Tidioute 25 with Goldrod Sawcut Bone once I could hold one.

I toured GEC in 2011 and asked them to make one 3/8" - 1/2" bigger than the 25.
Looks like I get my wish!!
It's true, Bob. I relate it to the births of my children! The tears aren't flowing as hard, but they are there, and ones of joy! It's been a bit of a road to travel, but enjoyable all the way!

No serial numbers BigBass. Typical of Tidioute all-steel knives, they do not number them. They will have the PPP etch on the back of the blade signifying the Pattern Production Premier, again in keeping with GEC tradition.
Ohhhh man, I'm doomed as well. That is a GORgeous barlow! Very well-executed. Can't wait to get one! :thumbup:
Now it is so hard to make a choice between these two beauties.:eek:

Man, are we up to the minute on news or what??
Just before closing time, the first Ebony came off the etching bench!!
Here it is in all its regalia!!

I would like to publicly thank GEC for keeping me posted, and providing these in-progress photos. I know you all appreciate them as much as I do, and it is extra work for them!
Affirmative, P. I sent 278 PMs to CC to make this happen. Not really, but I was nonetheless very surprised and excited when I first learned about the stamping .. still am!
I can see a couple of these in my future. That is if I can find them for sale... ... when I have some money.

Ed J
Thats a very, very nice looking Barlow, thank you Charlie for all of your input and pushing to get such a knife of this calibre to actually be made!

And to G.E.C all of our thanks to you for your continuation of producing such wonderful Traditional knives.