What "Traditional Knife" are ya totin' today?

T. Erdelyi T. Erdelyi What an amazing Eisenhower pen! That paper thin secondary blade is so thin I’m guessing it flexes and will be a good tiny fillet blade!:)

Loving this pen knife.
I have pictures of it bent at about 80-85 * I’ll have to find them. This knife was made in the 20s no #s on the tang and this thing holds an amazing edge and because the primary bevels are so steep it’s like a razor and will whittle hair thick curls and shave hair long after it’ll stop poppin’ and whittlin’hairs.
This Ulster stockman with punch today.
Happy Friday to all, can't wait for the weekend!:thumbsup:
The shot rally started yesterday evening, ten bars have made specials for the occasion and those entering have to vote for the three best. It is a three days event.
We started yesterday after dinner and visited the upper five. Back home late - or early, depends - and I would not have imagined how long some streets may be sometime...
Next round saturday.:)
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sounds like a lot of fun (and dangerous ;) ). what is the blue sodbuster-looking knife. love the looks....
Something modern today ;)

I'd call it a new knife, rather than modern, and I'll bet it will age incredibly well! :thumbsup::thumbsup::cool:

... Some fitting knife content, Camillus navy utility knife (with new whitetail deer antler covers)
Yes I redid them myself, the originals was badly shrunk and warped. If they was celluloid it didn't cause corrosion thank goodness. The ones I made are epoxied on, so far so good. The antler was from a small 4 point skeleton I found beside the rail road,they were well beached from the sun. I had saved them about 3 years to use on the "right project" lol
That's a beauty, David; great work! :cool::cool::thumbsup: (And a cool navy story.)

I'll be out the door early tomorrow, packing these two :thumbsup:
Ironwood lambsfoot/Case stockman gives you a lot of blade variety in a pair of tools, Jack! :thumbsup::cool::thumbsup:

I'm afraid I am a bit vain in that regard, GT. Having somewhat of an "artist's eye", color is rather meaningful to me and I certainly have my favorites. On the other hand, I still remain in somewhat of an experimental phase in my knife collecting so I am not adverse to trying out colors that ordinarily wouldn't appeal to me.
Thanks for the "color commentary", Dylan. ;):thumbsup::thumbsup: Your photos make it clear that you have a very perceptive artist's eye! :cool::thumbsup::cool: (I, however, have an artistic cataract. :rolleyes:)

A 2013 Smooth Ivory Bone Huckleberry Boys Knife:thumbsup:
I came to BF not caring much for "white" knives, but some of you are starting to change my tastes. Paul & Rachel, those handsome smooth ivory bone knives make me wish I was "one of the boys"! :cool::thumbsup::cool:

I'm the same way about a guy's work truck. If the interior of his/her panel truck or work body is in order, I'm OK; if it's in disarray, I'm dismissive.
- Stuart
Stuart, I always enjoy your commentary on the knives we post here. Thanks! :cool::thumbsup::thumbsup:

My mother in law got me a case medium stockman two xmas’s ago. At first I carried the knife here and there and put it back in the drawer.

But for the last few weeks I have carried it and nothing else. Mostly to see if that was all I needed. And sure enough, it’s been perfect. I cannot say that i needed more knife than what it does for me. I think it has made me realize how wrapped up we get in needing the biggest, full Ti, super steel knife we can find. When in reality a nice well thought out slip joint will do everything you need.

Now with that being said.....I just picked up a case trapper in cv and amber bone. I’ve always wanted one of them. Funny thing is...... after a few weeks with the stockman, my first reaction when I opened up the trapper was that it was HUGE.... hahaha this coming from a guy who used to edc a praetorian and a military, and other huge knives.
Cool story, @Gizler00! :thumbsup::cool::cool: Sometimes Mom (and even mom-in-law :eek:) really does know best! :D

Back to these two:
...Although I love multi-bladed knives, it seems my current favorites are single bladers.
:D:D Vince, when I first came here, I had no interest in single-bladed folders, either. But I'm expanding my horizons, and often carry single-blade knives now (although I still think I prefer multi-bladed/tooled knives).

Hey, there's an iconic 1-blade folder right there! ;) The jigged bone SBJr was perhaps the first knife that made me consider single-blades as a viable option. :cool::cool::thumbsup:

Quite a desirable duo: 2 fine patterns, 2 fine cover materials, 2 fine colors! :thumbsup::thumbsup::cool:

Fine lot of knives Mr. Gary!!!;):thumbsup:
Thanks, Senhor José. :)

With Bulldog barlow in stag today...
Beautiful Bulldog Barlow; you have so many excellent knives!! :thumbsup::cool::thumbsup:

For work, a GEC #66 in Micarta
After work, my Lambsfoot in African Rosewood
I didn't realize that the Calf Roper #66 was a small enough stockman to be "work legal" for you, John! :eek::thumbsup::thumbsup:

... I am no jazz player, and just like math, ...
Hey, I just like math too, Jeff! :cool::cool:;)

Same as yesterday. Camillus army engineer knife and Remington RS3333 Boy Scout knife. I think I'm fooling myself about the Remington just riding shotgun for show. It's such a pleasure to handle and use.
Pretty pleasurable just to peer a pictures, too; thanks for posting 'em, Buzz! :cool::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Camillus Whittler today
Simply irresistible! :cool::thumbsup::cool:

My favorite TC...ever.

Ancient, Honorable, Superlative! You know how to pick 'em, Dean! :thumbsup::cool::cool:

Looks very healthy, Ken! ;):thumbsup::thumbsup: Didn't Barney the Dinosaur have a song about how he loved to eat, eat, eat, pineapples and bananas?? :rolleyes:

I'm carrying a couple of copperheads this week.
Peanut-like Knife of the Week is a Rough Rider baby copperhead:

Stag/Horn Knife of the Week is a Colt stag full-size copperhead:

- GT
Some more pics from the archives of the old case pen. These pics are 10 years old.




Look at how thin the frame is, barely thicker'n a 2 bit piece

Look at the secondary blade, as thin as it is someone still had the skill to put a swedge on it. It's so thin it flexes like a fillet knife almost 90* and springs back straight with no ill effect.




The back of the secondary is so thin it almost looks like a sharpened false edge




I didn't realize that the Calf Roper #66 was a small enough stockman to be "work legal" for you, John! :eek::thumbsup::thumbsup:
Ya GT, the #66's main blade is right at 2-1/2". It's really more out of respect for the law than something I really have to worry about getting in trouble for. I'm just a "rule follower".