When you go hiking, knife or gun?

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Firing a gun into the earth is not dangerous on a 300 acre farm. It's owned by my family and I will shoot all the firearms I like on it and as long as the projectiles stay on the farm it is absolutely none of anyone else's concern.
A roving pet trespassing dog(s) is not a bear. All I want to do is fire my handgun and let them know to leave. (which they do) I don't want to have them run upon my dogs and start a fight then deal with them. Furthermore if they do attack my animals on our property (be it pets or stock) I am within my lawful right to shoot and kill them. I don't like to kill dogs if I can avoid it and a shot fired sends them off and most the time I never see them again.
As far as being "afraid of my own shadow" I have a CCDW permit and yes I do believe in carrying the means to protect myself at all times. Becoming a victim without a fight not something this girl will do.
As far as your suggestions, I will carry my handguns loaded with real ammo. If I need to fire a shot to scare dogs away I will. If I need to shoot to kill for a serious reason I will. I despite all of your concerns am totally capable of dealing with a firearm and using it safely.

The OP’s question was: “When you go HIKING, knife or gun?” THIS is what you replied to. Read your own post. Nowhere in that post did you mention anything about shooting guns on your PERSONAL FARM PROPERTY. The context was about HIKING. This is what you responded to.
The OP’s question was not: “When you are on your personal farm property, knife or gun’?
YOU changed the scenario, and your story too I might add, when I questioned the legitimacy of firing a weapon while HIKING.
Had you replied to the OP’s question with the nonsensical answer about shooting guns on your PERSONAL FARM PROPERTY, I would not have made an issue of it.
I too have lived on farms. When we had problems with rogue dogs we usually shot them.
The OP’s question was: “When you go HIKING, knife or gun?” THIS is what you replied to. Read your own post. Nowhere in that post did you mention anything about shooting guns on your PERSONAL FARM PROPERTY. The context was about HIKING. This is what you responded to.
The OP’s question was not: “When you are on your personal farm property, knife or gun’?
YOU changed the scenario, and your story too I might add, when I questioned the legitimacy of firing a weapon while HIKING.
Had you replied to the OP’s question with the nonsensical answer about shooting guns on your PERSONAL FARM PROPERTY, I would not have made an issue of it.
I too have lived on farms. When we had problems with rogue dogs we usually shot them.

Where I hike is on our farm. If I go elsewhere it's on my neighbors property with their permission. I didn't know I had to hike within specific areas to have it considered hiking.
The OP’s question was: “When you go HIKING, knife or gun?” THIS is what you replied to. Read your own post. Nowhere in that post did you mention anything about shooting guns on your PERSONAL FARM PROPERTY. The context was about HIKING. This is what you responded to.
The OP’s question was not: “When you are on your personal farm property, knife or gun’?
YOU changed the scenario, and your story too I might add, when I questioned the legitimacy of firing a weapon while HIKING.
Had you replied to the OP’s question with the nonsensical answer about shooting guns on your PERSONAL FARM PROPERTY, I would not have made an issue of it.
I too have lived on farms. When we had problems with rogue dogs we usually shot them.

Sorry bearcut, but I didn't find it necessary for her to clarify everything she had to say.

We live on 100 acres, and when I go out for a walk, I say "I'm going out for a HIKE".

Perfectly legitimate use of the language. Perhaps you are being a teeny bit condescending.

bearcut, I highly suggest that you man-up and edit your last post to remove that jerkit sign. Don't know about Alaska, but where I live, that's a completely unacceptable way to address a lady.
Sorry bearcut, but I didn't find it necessary for her to clarify everything she had to say.

We live on 100 acres, and when I go out for a walk, I say "I'm going out for a HIKE".

Perfectly legitimate use of the language. Perhaps you are being a teeny bit condescending.


Gee, on the farm, or ranch, we always said that we were going for a walk...semantics I guess.

The OP's question infered hiking on public property, presumeably forest land, etc. The word "backpack' was mentioned.The vast majority of respondents understood what the word 'hiking' meant, in context, and replied in kind.

I guess now we will have to clarify what the term "Hiking' means since a few of you are unclear on this issue.
Thanks, wiredge. You're right. In fact, in General Knife or Wilderness & Survival, where I just moved this, it's not an acceptable way to address anyone. :)
bearcut, I highly suggest that you man-up and edit your last post to remove that jerkit sign. Don't know about Alaska, but where I live, that's a completely unacceptable way to address a lady.
Ummm, she carries a gun and two knives.....
Ummm, she carries a gun and two knives.....

I know plenty of ladies that carry similar items.This makes them smart in my opinion and not less of a lady.
When I backpack I carry a pocket tool, a fixed blade, and where legal a handgun. Also the ten essentials.
I see bearcut is trolling again. I guess I should have responded that the ONLY acceptable carry on a hike is a Busse knife. :p
I EDC a handgun at all times [ retired LEO ] and when in the woods its usually a revolver in .357 or .44 mag.I also have three folders on me at all times and in the woods a fixed blade of some size,but the gun would be my first choice IF there was an attack of any nature.I do a fair amount of shooting and some knife work too.But a contact wound with a 357 or 44 would stop most 2 or 4 legged critter.Just have to face the threat and keep cool,your gonna get hurt either way so face it and take less punishment - mnsho s'all.
My father liked to tell me things like "Be prepared" and "Better safe than sorry."


And "move slow."

Esav has said it twice and I'll say it only once, "no more personal attacks."

This topic is just about closed.
I have cousins from Canada, and they frown upon firearms, what is the deal with that for all you Canadian's? They don't even want their kids running around with fake plastic guns? Worse than Californians i would say. So in the end, the combination of a firearm, fixed blade is a darn good combo!
Don't pigeonhole an entire country based on your cousins hoplophobia.
Sooo Hilary Clinton is an American and you are an American does that mean you think the same as her? lol!

Lots of guns and gunowners up here friend!
Not sure if that was directed at me -- if so, I apologize. Certainly not intending to rile anybody up. Aiming more for good-natured humor -- but maybe that's tough with this topic.

On the topic: it's a personal choice, and there are a lot of legitimate ways to go. Personally, for the kind of hiking I do, carrying a firearm is more weight, hassle, and responsibility than I feel like dealing with. There are occasionally situations where bear spray is justified -- it's lighter, less confrontational, and (in many cases) more effective than a firearm. Probably pretty handy for two-legged problems, too. If in AK or Canada grizzly country, that calculus might shift a little -- but even then, I'd prefer spray to a small firearm. If I was truly worried, bear spray plus a short 12-gauge would be my preferred choice.

As for bears v. cougars -- I find the latter much more cause for concern in virtually all of the lower 48.
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