WIP Massive Titanium Roller Bearing Frame Lock

Carbidizers are a Godsend for Titanium framelocks BTW.
If you have the $$ and plan on making many folders, don't hesitate .

WW, would it be cool if I sent you my Peter R folder to get carbidized?
Looking forward to an update as well. I have a need for a massive folding knife that this one would take care of quite nicely:)
OK as the contact list stands I have the following names. Don't worry this doesn't obligate you to a pre order. This is just a contact list for people when I'm ready to do a pre order thread.

Charlie Mike

If anybody wants to be included let me know...

Please add me, if you're willing to ship to Canada. I'll take the risk and all that is associated with cross-border.

I love everything about this and am looking for exactly this on an upcoming purchase.
I'll be watching with my 1 1/2 hawk eyes.

I also especially love the wax seal and box. It may be difficult for me to use such a nice knife like this but I probably won't be able to help myself.
First of all thanks for all your concern and advice on my flooding problem. What should have been a weekend and a few trips to home depot turned into a much larger project. Carpet had to come up and be replaced and several large appliances are toast. Luckily I had insurance (always a good idea when you live 4ft above sea level :rolleyes:) so I should be reimbursed for all the repairs and replacement.

One good thing to come out of this was since my tiny shop flooded I moved all my tools and supplies for the clean up. Rust is the knife-maker's enemy! I decided to go ahead and move into a larger 4 bay garage at the back of our property. I figured more space would make these limited runs A TON easier.

Thank you everyone for being patient! I will have pictures up of my grinds after I get my camera back tomorrow. I have received the CPM-3V from Aldo in .270"x6"x36" AND I got the titanium from American Metal Xchange in .187"x12"x36 so the supplies are finally coming together! The hardware from AKS should be here any day now...

Oh and just to head off the wave of emails here is the updated contact list:

Charlie Mike

If you want to be added just post, PM, or email me.

Sorry to hear about your flooding problem and hope that you get reimbursed in full for your loss. As a contractor I run into some insurance jobs once in awhile and its sometimes hard to get compensated for the full value of what needs to be done or replaced, hoping that isnt' the case for you. Glad to hear that you have a bigger shop to work in now, I'm sure that will be much better in the long run.
I guess the forum server was PMSing last night with the forum upgrades...so this is a day late. Wednesday I fired up my trusty griz and went to town on the blank with a new 40grit ceramic belt on my newly mounted glass platen. Started with scribing a .075 inch "nickle width" edge. First I worked to my scribe lines at 10 deg. Then I worked my way up the blade to 7 then 5 and finally 4 deg. Once I was close to the spine I swapped to a 120 grit ceramic and ground to a true 4 degree bevel. Using a guide is ALL the difference in keeping the ricassos even plus it provides leverage for my thumb to "feel" the flat and adjust my grind accordingly.

Overall I'm happy with the result. Bevels are dead nuts even and the ricasso area is 80% there. A little file work and it will be perfect. Total grind time was 75 minutes. Way too slow but I have a feeling that i will pick up speed when I do 15 back to back. Also the pivots from AKS are here!

Next I'm going to experiment with a false edge/swedge.














Looking amazing man. Exactly as in your diagrams. Nice full flat ground, perfect for a large folder like this imo.

Heh when I saw the second and third pic I was like wtf... scandi? Guess i'm not too used to watching WIP threads and don't know how a grind is done, really. Cool to see the intermediate pics though!
I'm glad you're happy with the result. I'm watching this like a hawk, and cannot wait for the results. Though you mentioning you're doing 15 back to back has me fearing a little, since i'm #26 on the list.
Looking sooooooo good. I cannot wait to see the completed knife, much less get my hands on one!
Looking amazing man. Exactly as in your diagrams. Nice full flat ground, perfect for a large folder like this imo.

Heh when I saw the second and third pic I was like wtf... scandi? Guess i'm not too used to watching WIP threads and don't know how a grind is done, really. Cool to see the intermediate pics though!
I'm glad you're happy with the result. I'm watching this like a hawk, and cannot wait for the results. Though you mentioning you're doing 15 back to back has me fearing a little, since i'm #26 on the list.

I'm in the same boat at #19 I believe :(....

Don't fret about your place on the list. My plan is to contact everybody on the contact list with a link to the preorder thread and a time it will go live. First 15 responders get a place on the pre order. That keeps it fair.
Don't fret about your place on the list. My plan is to contact everybody on the contact list with a link to the preorder thread and a time it will go live. First 15 responders get a place on the pre order. That keeps it fair.

WHAT personally i am a HUGE fan of how the list stands ... granted im #5 :p
WHAT personally i am a HUGE fan of how the list stands ... granted im #5 :p

I got your back, man. Literally, I'm number 6.

But I'm not worried as my bet is that no more than half will buy when the time comes. Goodness knows if I will have the money when the hammer falls.

On the other hand, having made one list of people wanting to buy in the order they signed up, I don't follow the logic of chucking it for another list of people wanting to buy in the order they signed up. What makes the second list better than the first? Would a third be better still?
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Don't fret about your place on the list. My plan is to contact everybody on the contact list with a link to the preorder thread and a time it will go live. First 15 responders get a place on the pre order. That keeps it fair.

Hehehe i'm good with that. Figure I can do better than #26 next time around. However you want to handle it!
William, I've been following along, and I wish you good fortune on your venture. Just a thought though, I think your blade would look a lot better if your bevel didn't break the spine. Bring it up, leave 1/8th to 1/16th space to the spine. Gives a clean, professional look in my opinion. As I said, just a thought...