BF survival forum knife.

Again here is mine opinion:

I want a 4" blade, O1 carbon Steel, and green micarta handle, a leath neck sheath with FireSteel loop. 1/8" stock thickness. the spine on the blade needs to have nice 90 degree square edges to be able to spark a FireSteel. Scandi grind is a must for woodcraft. The Blade should be marked with a simple BF07 ( BladeForums 2007)
I say to keep cost down, simple 3/16" O1 steel.

O1 is remarkably more expensive than 1095, every place I've looked. Both are plenty affordable, though.

gunknifenut, it looks like you and I are very much on the same page. Except I don't think your knife is ugly. What steel is that baby?
I really love this knife...

It's a beautiful knife, but I have serious misgivings about a scandi grind on stock that thick. It's probably plenty sharp at the edge, but I have a sneaky suspicion that bevel is going to feel like hitting a speed-bump when you cut with it.
1/8" would be great for a scandi grind. Much thinner, if you like. I'd still prefer to see the bevel be more acute, though.

Most if not all moras are <1/8" thick; however, the bevel itself is much sharper than the one shown in your pic. You can sharpen them with the stone flat on the bevel and they will get very sharp, and the thin blade will not interfere with efficient slicing.

Warning completely subjective theory ahead! I could be totally wrong...

On a small knife like we're discussing here, I see no reason why the bevel should be wide, regardless of style or stock thickness.
You've only got four inches or so of leverage, to try and break it. And folks don't generally do heavy prying with smaller knives, anyway.

They don't grind 1/8" thick Ka-bars full-flat to the spine, because if they did, it would be mighty thin and weak. Seven inches of mechanical advantage, pulling against steel ground that thin... it's going to let go sooner, rather than later. They often do grind big, 1/4" thick bowies full-flat, because there's a lot of steel there to "support" itself under stress.

As a fer-instance... Take a 1" hardwood dowel and clamp it in place, with 4" free. Reef on it. Go ahead, break it off with your hands. :D Now start over with 7" free for you to pull on, and I bet you can break it.
real nice concept Myakka,but that wood handle got to go,green micarta would be more durable to the elements. we gotta have a thick stock blade that can take the abuse.
I'm with you, green micarta for sure. I listed this in my discription, posted above.
We need to get a Knife maker involved to make suggestions. Someone should post over on the Maker Forum here on Blade Forums for help.

I'm thinking for thickness 1/8". also the spine on the blade needs to have nice 90 degree square edges to be able to spark a FireSteel.
NWA is an established maker, and has already offered his input. I'll ask over in Maker's, they know me there and don't seem to be sick of my questions YET! ;)
Gibsonfan, its elcheapo tool steel, an old flatbar. I've made a few this way and I can't kill them, lots of baton action and they take it, they don't hold an edge worth a damn, but so what, a $20 knife tops and they take one hell of a beating. I would like say that I am a big fan of G-10 orange in a go to knife, harder to lose. Gene
gunknifenut, could I get you to post some more photos of the sheath?

I would love to see the back, and from the underneath looking up.
I want to know how the little pocket thingy is attached and how it works...
maybe we need to take a vote and see were everybody stands. and then proceed from there.
Again here is mine opinion:


Myakka I like the design myself.
Can i ask you how you made the posted design?
Is it had to do?
Hard to change a few things?
The reason I ask is that I think I might like to have a drawing of that same knife but slightly longer...perhaps a blade a solid 5 inches long?
Sorry I am joining this late, but I am up for one, assuming cost is $125 or less. I'll keep checking back to see what you guys end up with.

Personal preference

1095 for cost
flat ground
.125 thick
4" or less blade
black or orange micarta scales
thong hole

like the scandi grind too.
