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Buy a STRIDER knife...NOT ME!

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It take a big man to say He's wrong!!......And it takes a BIG man with a BIG set of nuts to say "you goddamn right I'm right!!!"
Good job Mick,I would hated to see you wuss out and say you were wrong! Stand up for your convictions!!
Only one thing concerns me Mick, how the hell do you pronounce f#$K? Is it fpoundsigndollarsignk? It just dosent roll off my tounge good.

Hey Mick, I loved your reply!:D
I don't want to keep it rolling,
but on the links page there has to be 6-7 dealers that list knives or tac gear and knives. Use your brain. And might the real issue here be you just wanted a personal response? Thats too bad, I own 13 striders, and a couple of one of a kinds, and am on a first name basis with Duane, you know what, the guys take days or weeks to respond to me too. If you were so interested in Striders you should of researched a little, then you would know how VERY busy they are. You would have known what to expect, how to contact them, and where to buy. Instead of just sending an email and crying when it wasn't returned the next day. Do some legwork for yourself, or wait like the rest of us. And as to not buying one, that is your great loss. I am one of those guys that USE them, and they are exceptional tools. Must be some reason so many, wait so long, for their knives
Besides the fact that Strider's got one of the better websites around, the whole idea of a website is so that you don't have to get on the phone all day every day answering the same old questions for a whole new generation of customers.

But it is fun to watch the feeding frenzy when the forum tears a new guy into scientifically dead dead dead shreds. SKTRGNLDR, don't let it get you down. Come back tomorrow and look around. There's a lot more to Bladeforums than arguments.

For what it's worth This ain't my battle.
But the first time I e mailed Strider, I didn't receive a response for about a month or more. I was impressed with the fact that they replied at all. I had pretty much figured that my inquiry was discarded or unimportant. But even a month later he replied with a thorough and helpful answer. I was not forgotten. Now thats loyalty; To his business and customers. I bought my 1st Strider at a gunshow and am currently waiting on number 2.
Never rush the guy who's cooking your dinner if you want a good meal.

Originally posted by Eric Blair
The customer isn't always right; that's ludicrous. There are plenty of @ssholes in the world, and @ssholes are rarely right, customers or not. So be it.

I think a healthy attitude to have while starting a business is "the customer is always right." If you don't have that attitude their is a good chance you won't survive. You are right, though, people are *******s...absolutely. But if you let common assholism get in the way of making a profit, just because you think you are right, then you really can't be expected to flourish in today's competitive world. It is also quite possible to piss off the wrong person, not knowing who that person is, and losing a substantial market because of it. It certainly isn't likely, but it is possible. Just take the *******'s money and laugh as he walks out the door...

On the other hand, there is something commendable in turning down money when you think you've been treated unfairly.
In the retail business that I am in I have to deal with customers emails on a regular basis. I once got an email quite similar to the rude, patronizing one that SKTR sent. My response was, *I appreciate your interest in the products that my company sells. We are very busy and that is why you have not heard back from me earlier. I would appreciate in the future, if you are to email me again, that you do it without the attitude or you will not receive a reply. You have every right to complain about my tardiness, but no right to be rude.*

The above email did not include any information on what this fella was interested in as I did not feel that he deserved this information. He emailed me a little later with an apology, got the information that he wanted and became a pretty good customer.

You would not believe how much I wanted to tell him to f**k off, but felt that that would not be an appropriate response. Mick on the other hand may have felt at the time that it was the right response.

I think that both parties were wrong in how they handled this, but that is just my opinion.
And proves "Contempt Breeds Contempt"

And that there is Way to much Rudeness, way to quick on everyone's part.

I stand by my words and my actions, I can be found here daily.

Have a nice day.........
Originally posted by 1whobuys
Does the word Limming mean any thing to you?

No, it doesn't mean a thing to me. I can't find it in the dictionary, either....

PS. What a bunch of Chicken sh*t, weak minded morons that condone stupidity and rudeness.

Yeah, there's a lot of that going around.... :)
I have no need for A-holes in my life.

Then where do you sh!t from? :rolleyes:

Why is it that morons always want to bad mouth a knife when they don't know sh!t about it?

F*ckin' Hooah Mick.
No room for *******s? If your attitude and response didn't make you an *******, then Mick is a saint. I am not in sales, nor do I have the desire to ever do so. But I am a consumer, and you don't know how many times I wish someone like Mick would have told a customer to quit crying and get the hell out. I am not really all for being a prcik, but sometimes, you have to give what you get. Sometimes, that is the only thing some people understand.

I edited some stuff out that was probably a bit harsh. I normally would have left it, but I guess I am getting in the Christmas spirt :D
Wow, people sure do have some thin skins. Mick once posted on their forums telling everybody to quit whining about return emails, phone calls, late knives, etc. He has also said repeatedly that he and Duane would rather you buy through one of their established dealers. They have both also posted admitting their lack of good customer service. How many other custom makers promise a delivery date then you suddenly can't make contact with them. Strider will eventually get back to you. Questions about Strider dealers have been asked and answered repeatedly on the forum. What is the point of using the web at all if you are not going to research the product.

Duane and Mick will sell every knife they make for a long time to come. They have a core customer group that will continue to buy. There all also alot of folks who know good equipment and may only buy one knife that will make it a Strider. They are in a very fortunate position in that they do not have to put up with *******'s just to make a sale. They continually prove that they will take care of people who really need the gear first. That alone will keep them in business. If getting your butt kissed is more important than getting good gear then go somewhere else. BTW, I don't work for Strider. I have bought 2 knives directly from them and 4 from dealers. I hope to buy more in the future. Maybe some that 1who(don't)buys leaves behind.
Why don't email each of use and tell use how you really feel.
BTW i own busse's too ! If ATS-34 is so bad then why are so many custom makers still using it. INFI is not the be all end all steel, it is very good but each steel has quailties that makes it good for different uses.
Wow that is some reply. You must be really screwed up individual.
Now back to the issue. I think that both the customer and Strider were wrong in this situation. The customer behaved like an histerical woman, but Mick Strider should have been more of a serious man to just disregard this e-mail. By the way he was busy for 11 days to answer the question, but it only took him 1 day to respond with F**k off message. I totally agree with Troy Webber. It is just a piece of heat treated ATS 34 and there are many other makers that make strong knives. I was going to purchase a knife from Striders and e-mailed them with a request for modification. I must admit that the reponse was very timely. However it had nothing to do with my question. I asked for clarification and again I did not get clear responce. After e-mailing back and forth for about 4 more times I finally gave up. Now, I really wanted that knife, but after a while I just got an impression that I was not welcome there with my business. I have now Mr. Bill Harsey making a special modification of A-F knife for me. He is also busy now making knives for guys who are going for spec ops and he warned me about expected delays, but he always took time to adress all my questions and requests. Unfortunately or fortunately we live now in the service oriented society and since competition is getting tougher and tougher every day a proper customer service may give your business the edge. All that said I think Strider make great knives and this relply is not meant as a criticism. I just merely wanted to describe my experience. I would still buy a Strider knife if the opportunity presented itself, but I wish that this would have been an easier process.
I could be wrong but I seem to remember a whole lot of whining cryers out there that used to complain and scream about how long it took to get there knives or responses from another knife company 1WHOBUYS, and the many people who came to that knife company's defense. So are all those guys also weakminded moron wannabe tough guys too, or are they allright because they supported your "favorite knife company" Be careful who you call names. Some of us guys that actually work in the real world for a living might get offended. As to most strider guys being *******s, how many of us have you ever met? I would venture a guess, none. Cause if you had I think you might have a different attitude about how nice life is and how much you'd like to go on just livin it.
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