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Buy a STRIDER knife...NOT ME!

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I won't touch the e-mail issue. Instead, I want to address some comments that 1whobuys made.

Dear Mr. 1whobuys,

Near the end of your post, you replied thusly, "Enjoy it now, Your 15 minutes will be up some day." I'd recommend picking up the tactical issue of American Handgunner so that you can read the article on Strider knives. The 15 minutes have long since passed, my forumite. If I remember correctly, Mick started grinding knives in the mid '80s while serving his country. In '94, Mick and Duane went to knifemaking full-time. 15 minutes has been more like 15 years of knife making. Many people think of Strider Knives as a new company, as Striders are new to the regular, average Joe knife user. Ask nyeti (go to the Strider Knives forum in the makers/manufacturers section) how long he has been using Strider knives. Or, go read the American Handgunner magazine. Nyeti wrote the article. Now Strider Knives have 4 different folders you gan get as a factory collaboration with Buck Knives (large and small versions of a tanto and spear point), and a fixed blade is tentatively scheduled for this fall.

Here, though, is the most inaccurate thing you said:
Get real people, a key or an ink pen can kill you just as dead as a funky looking, over priced POS

Well, sort of. yes, you can kill with a key or a pen. If you and I were to duke it out and the chouce were a Strider WB and a Bic, you and i would choose the WB. So, please FULLY qualify statements that pertain to weapons and self defense. Or, are you saying that people ought to leave thier knives at home, as a bic will do everything that a pen can do in a self defense situation? I didn't think so...

Funky loking? Well, that is a legit comment. Some don't like the looks, that is cool. over priced? Well, for you, perhaps. Strider knives aren't cheap. Then again, go to their shop and you see exactly 2 guys grinding away. Yep, this is no factory. Mick and Duane are 2 custom makers who put out a lot of hand made knives. The sheaths are made by SOE and aren't cheap by themselves. Don't forget that for your $325 you get a heat treat that is specified by the Strider guys and done by Paul Bos, you get a nylon sheath with kydex insert made by SOE, who make AWESOME nylon gear, and you get an unconditional warrantee. Break it, they fix it. If you don't want to pay the price for a Strider hand made blade, I guess you can wait until the Buck fixed blade collabortation comes out. Or, you can get another custom maker to make you a knife of 1/4" ATS-34 with Bos heat treat and an SOE sheath. but I bet you won't save much $$. Again, that is your decision. But then you had to go and call these knives pieces of feces! Strider knives were for military guys from the beginning, and they still are made with WAR in mind. I recall a story by Knifebomber (you can see a pic of him and his Striders in that magazine) talking about miniguns. He was in a chopper with another guy (both minigun operators) and the minigun jammed. Well, to unjam it you use this metal tool which you use to rotate the barrels. The tool had fallen out of the choper, so Knifebomber handed this pal his very own knife (after the dude's knife broke or something) and they got the mini-gun firing again. THis is a tame example of a zillion anecdotes where Striders were used in the line of duty to SAVE LIVES! Guess what? a bunch of those guys hunting terrorists in the sandbox are using Striders every day. They use Strider knives to protect your freedom, so you can go on the net and have fun. These knives ARE NOT crap. Funky looking? Fine. Over Priced? Maybe. Pieces of S#%!? No, they are not. They are qality tools used every day by people who are out there making your life easy. You, sir, are wrong.

Now, I can understand where you are coming from. I think you were angry yourself, but whether you are justified in being angry or not is not important for what I am saying here. All I wanted to point out, as politely as I could, is that your post contains greviously erronious claims mixed in with some valid consumer input. But is comes across as a load of horse s$%&.

I don't need to touch your parting statement, as my arguments on that are covered above. Without "tough F^&$ers" like the Strider Knife guys and many of their customers (I guess that is to whom you were referring), you would be food in a week for the Osamas of the world.
Originally posted by panzer075
Cause if you had I think you might have a different attitude about how nice life is and how much you'd like to go on just livin it.

Gawd, I luv this thread!!!! It's like West Side Story, only without the dancing.:D:D:D:D
Hardheart, I am with you. I was going to post asking everyone to invoke a 5 second deep breath rule before they write to get their wits together. But heck this is so good... just write away everyone. Don't think at all before your fingers hit the keyboard, just keep on writing. Rational thinking doesn't make for flame throwing posts.

and Panzer, if that's a threat........BLOW ME!

if not, and you mean you where one of the guys on a forage, on a nucular reaction team, on alert, or some thing along the lines of a C.B.R team leader......
Thanks for putting your life on the line too.
You are in the 2% that have a clue.

Very nice Crayola, except that last line. If the need arose, I too would heed "The call to arms" again.
I haven't read a thread this funny in while. :D

Flame away guys, your cracking me up!;)

P.S. All this thread needs now is a classic Mayo Zinger!:)
OMG, you've got me ROTFLMAO:D :D

However, somebody owes me a new keyboard as I blew Mt Dew threw my nose all over mine:barf:

We now return to the slam on the stupid twit thread:p :p
Maybe I'll come and play with you Strider boys again some time.

It was nice to get to know you a little better.

I like to know where people stand, right or wrong at least they have the spine to stand and back what they say.

I can be found here on a daily bases, I think you know where I stand.
And if you have a problem with that,
Let me quote the infamous Mick Strider....."F#$K OFF"

I don't know any of you people, None of you watch my back, and I don't hold any grudges against any of you, but you are EASY.

We may be easy, soldia' boy, but you pay first!

I love South Park...
This thread is going wild. I go away to watch Band of Brothers and when I come back another 25 posts have been made, and funny as hell to boot.
we havent had this kind of thread in general in a while.

cray,pass the popcorn.
Sure thing Mo!

Hey Mo, if you ever get a Strider in a trade, lemme know!
Hey Mick, Never thought to look before but your out in Oceanside. Hell I spent some time out there. 3rd. battalion 5th. Marines, Camp Margarita 83,84,85.:cool:

Patrick R. Nihiser
I wish 1whobuys would stop editing all the good stuff out of his posts...I'm trying to figure out what got everyone so riled up at him! Anyone help me out? :D

As for STRIDER...all I can say is, 2 of the Strider's I've owned I bought used, and had some issues with (wrong sheath for one, blade wobble for the other) on seperate occasions. Mick and I conversed through the Strider Forum here on BFC both times, and I sent them both back. Mick PERSONALLY fixed both knives FOR FREE, and paid for return shipping, each time. I got both knives returned within 2 weeks. If THAT isn't great customer service, I don't know what is.

In my opinion Strider knives are some of the best knives on the market. I believe their folders are superior to everything on the market. Nothing compares to the AR/GB. I mean nothing. Every tactical folder looks weak compared to the AR/GB.

But ... the knife market is very competitive and customer service does have an impact on sales. Word of bad customer service can spread like a wild fire on the internet and through word of mouth.
Originally posted by rfrost
I wish 1whobuys would stop editing all the good stuff out of his posts...I'm trying to figure out what got everyone so riled up at him! Anyone help me out? :D

I couldn't agree with you more Robert.

Simply amazing. Look, the guy sent a sarcastic email, so the Strider guy told him off. It was said above that one of the Strider guys posted that folks needed to stop "whining" about slow email responses. Pretty rude of him (Swas accused of being "rude" to Mick). I guess its ok for Mick to be rude because hes "hardcore".

Somebody else said that Mick took a month to return a reply to him, and he was impressed that Mick even deemed him worthy of a response....dunno whether thats reasonable or pathetic. Maybe Mick oughta appreciate the fact that people think enough if him and his knives that people will pay that kind of money for a slab of cord-wrapped ats34. In fact, there is one called the AD I think, small cord-wrapped knife for 250 dollars on his site....Alot of knifemakers would be crucified if they came here offering one at that price, and rest assured there are plenty of makers who can turn out the same or better quality.

A few people stated (reasonably so) that the bad customer service would prove a negative for Strider. In most cases that would be true, but his piss poor treatment of this potential customer seems to be a real boost for his business. Strange.

Yeah, I worked in a retail knife shop for quite a while, and had my share of sarcastic customers. One example was a guy that called to order a Cold Steel Tanto. I was terribly busy and asked if I could call him back after the store closed, no problem he said. I closed up and left, and for the next few days I forgot all about him. I called him back finally, and the first thing he said was "gee, how nice of you to call back so fast". I said "sorry 'bout that, I got busy and honestly forgot." He says, "Oh well, $hit happens, no problem." And we carried on and got the deal done...he was happy with a simple apology, and I owed it to him. I suppose if I told him to phuck off I would have lost the sale because I aint "hardcore" enough.

Fact is, there are some customers that are rude enough to deserve a phuck off, but I dont think ST was one of those. If Strider is so busy making "high speed" tools that he is bothered by silly questions such as "how can I buy one of your knives" then maybe he needs to pull his ads from the magazines, lose the web-site and change his email address. When I see a maker/company with ads and websites, I figure maybe they want my business, and have email addresses published so I can ask a question....silly me.

So the guy missed the links section on the web page....maybe hes new to the internet or just simply overlooked it, if you think that makes him an unworthy moron, then so be it. I was once new to the net and missed stuff like that.

You know, maybe the guy is so new to knives that he didnt just assume that Mick was to busy, or didnt like emails. So he didnt search the forums....lotsa newbies come here and ask the same old questions. Everythings been discussed before...maybe we can just archive the entire forum and make it read and search only. That will teach those newbies, huh? :rolleyes:

Now, no doubt Mick is one tough SOB, and probably makes decent knives, but if he is going to advertise like a business, then try acting like it.

In most businesses, you make an attempt at customer service. If a customer is a bit sarcastic because the service stinks then you apologize, and if given a second chance then try and do it right. No, im not saying kiss up to abusive customers, there is a difference. If all you want is customers who will smile and be honored when told to "phuck off" well, thats sad for you and the "customers".

Knifemakers (some of them, not all) are about the only business I know of where they get to a point that potential customers and their money are not appreciated. Instead it gets to a point where people feel as though the maker is "doing them a favor" by allowing you to toss money at them while they tell you to sit down, shut up and you will get your knife (or answer to questions) when I am damn good and ready. I know first hand, I once thought of makers that way, and continued to spend lots of money on one maker who made it out like HE was doing ME a favor. Sure glad I finally wised up, expensive lesson though.

To think that Mick can have the "attitude" because he makes some knives and hes "hardcore" while a potential customer gets skinned alive for having a supposed attitude and the gall to be sarcastic with the "Great God of Strider knives" is just silly. Oh well, its your money, spend it where you like and sit in front of your computer for a month just waiting for Strider to grace your email with a response, gotta be better than life itself huh?
Hell, why stop at "The customer is always right"? Why not go the exra mile and extend it to "everyone else is always right"?

Next time some rude SOB decides to abuse you a bit, just keep in mind that he is always right, and you are always wrong...and make sure you let him know it, too.

I do not care who you are, where you come from, what your training is, or what you know. If you decide to be rude to me, I can guarantee I will give you the exact same thing. Mick's mirror analogy was spot on...you want to be rude and sarcastic, you should fully expect the same thing in return, and that's exactly what you'll get from me.

And, it has nothing to do with being "hardcore", which I am most certainly not.
Hey Richard, why don't you say all that to my face, you punk. Oh yeah, that's right. Last time we were supposed to meet, you didn't show. Chicken.


For me, I was just defending Mick. Like I said earlier, the language is not what I would have chosen... However, I have worked at a golf course behind the counter of a snack bar and have been threatened, yelled at, and had things thrown at me by people who didn't get their way. I only wish I had the freedom to say some of the things to them that were running through my head. Is it sound business practice? Hell no. If I was running a business, I probably would not have handled it that way, but we have all been in stores before where things would have been a lot smoother and easier for everyone if the worker would have told the customer to STFU and leave. Mick was a little harsh with his comments, but that I respect. Simply because that is Mick. He doesn't pretend to be someone he isn't just because he is in a business. I believe he stated earlier, that he never claimed to be a business man, he was a knife maker. To me, he is both. He may have crossed the lined from a business perspective. But for me, he said what he felt and didn't sugar coat it. I kind of like that. Rich, see ya in April :D

(Yes, the first part, was a joke. Rich was suppost to meet up with us at a local show, and was running very late. With the massive parking problems there, he never made it to meet us. I do consider rich a friend, so I think he can handle the jokes :D )

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