Guardians of The Lambsfoot!

That makes two of us! I was standing in my Birthday Suit about to get in the shower when it happened! :eek: Pam was yelling for me to come on! I had to throw my clothes on! ;) Actually it was sort of hectic to say the least! :rolleyes: :D

Yikes! :eek: :D :thumbsup:

Wow you've got me hungry. No sausages in the house, I guess my leftover meatloaf will have to do :D

Sounds good :) Hope you enjoy it :) :thumbsup:
Good Morning Guardians and anyone else looking in.

Since we have musical leanings today... I got to see SRV play at a club in Houston in 1983. It was awesome!

Happy memories Les :)

Thank you Jack. Enjoy your day.

Thanks Harvey, I've been in the house all day. A pal was going to come round for a few beers in the garden this evening, but the weather is so rotten, we've decided to give it a miss. I'm just having this one, it's better than the film ;) :D :thumbsup:

Nice photos Dan, is that a wildlife/bird sanctuary?
Thank you Jack :)
Yes, it's called Cooper's Marsh, another bird sanctuary close to home ( not the one I go to feed the chickadees )
Exquisite ebony shot, Dan! :cool::thumbsup::thumbsup:
Gracias GT :)
Lovely picture. I bet the whiz wams are bigger than the ducks. :D:thumbsup:
You got me on this one David :D
No amount of google search helped me find what a whiz wam is lol :)

Hi Guardians :)
Thank you Jack :)
Yes, it's called Cooper's Marsh, another bird sanctuary close to home ( not the one I go to feed the chickadees )

Gracias GT :)

You got me on this one David :D
No amount of google search helped me find what a whiz wam is lol :)

Hi Guardians :)

Thanks for the link Dan, looks like a beautiful place my friend :) Great shot of your ebony Lambsfoot :) :thumbsup:
I think the first I had was their Steam Beer Barrett - a very long time ago! :D :thumbsup:

Yeah, I’ve had the Steam, and I think I tried that Porter before. This was a few years back now, not sure if they do it anymore, but they used to sell their seasonal Christmas Ale in magnum bottles! :eek: :D


Am I too late to join in on this Guardian Thread trend? :D


I was down at Phillip Island on the weekend and these highland cattle certainly would have had pretty sharp haircuts back then!




Nice one Barrett, luckily the Sheffield Tap wasn’t as crowded when Jack and I had a pint there. I think the worst crowd crush experience I had was when I unthinkingly got on the Tokyo subway at about 8:30 am on a weekday to go to the airport!




Great photos, Chin! :thumbsup: I generally try to avoid subways if at all possible, but I know in some cities you don’t have much of a choice.


Good Morning Guardians, hope everyone's week is going well so far :) I thought I'd drop my AC in my pocket today :) Have a good day Guardians :thumbsup:


Excellent photo, Jack! I just finished peeling and chopping a bunch of apples for an apple cake recipe that was (is) my mom’s. :thumbsup:

Oh London is horrible. How people like living like that I don't know. But one of my brothers lives in Kalkata in India which is 20million or something like that and wouldn't change it for the world. :oops:

That's a stunning photo of the sunrise! :):thumbsup:

On our first trip to England to visit my brother and his family, we spent a couple days in London before heading to Bath. I’m glad we did, but I certainly wouldn’t want to live there, and I don’t know that I’d need much longer of a visit, either. :D


Good morning Guardians :)



Great photos, Dan! :thumbsup:

Hi Guardians!

Looks like I'm an official member now.
Thank you, Jack!
I received my Real Lamb Foot in the mail yesterday. It's a beauty. It looks brand new! I am carrying it today after giving it a sharpening last night. I think I'm gonna like it :thumbsup::thumbsup::)

Lambfoot by Pine Moon, on Flickr

Lambsfoot by Pine Moon, on Flickr

Jack, refresh my memory... I can't recall if this is ebony or rosewood?
I really like the handle and snap; it has nice action, and centering is excellent! Thanks again, my friend :)
I enjoyed seeing the other items as well. Can you enlighten me about the pin?

Good stuff! :thumbsup: (Well done, Jack!)

If you’d like to be added to the Guardians Map, just let me know where to put ya. :thumbsup:

What a lovely story Bill, I hadn't realised that your father was so young when he was wounded in combat. I'm sure that family loved having him there with them, and no doubt there are family members who still talk about your dad. Connections made during that period have lasted several generations, and I have heard many similar stories. During WW2, children were evacuated from London en masse, and sent to stay in 'the country'. I'm not sure why they sent any of those kids to Sheffield, which was also heavily bombed, but they did. My grandmother only had two sons at the time, and she went with them to Sheffield Railway Station, to meet the 'evacuees', as did many other local women. The train emptied of these poor young kids, from London's 'East End', all separated from their families for the first time, and they were assigned to the women who would take them in (the men all being off fighting). Times were very hard, and most didn't want to take more than one child, but two young brothers, Billy and Reggie Clee, refused to be separated. My grandmother agreed to take them, and they lived with her, and my dad and uncle, and my grandfather when he was home on leave, in their small two-bedroom house for two years, while Sheffield was bombed by the Luftwaffe. I remember, as a child, when they came to visit, with all their own children, and it was very moving. I only met them that one time, but still remember the tales I heard about them.

Thanks David, obviously long before I was born, but it's funny how I remember hearing so much about the Clees, who I didn't actually meet until I was in my mid teens, and only that one time :) I've never heard of anyone being evacuated from anywhere apart from London, and that sometimes ended in tragedy :( My mother was very young in WW2, and as my grandmother had to work in the steel works, she spent some time living with relatives on what was then the edge of Sheffield. Most of the stories I heard from her were about being forced to eat food she didn't like, which was then visited upon me in turn o_O

Interesting story, Jack. Thanks for sharing. :thumbsup:

[First time in a long time I've had to split a post up! Just about pulled my hair out trying to do it on my phone, too; ended up having to move to the computer.]
Jack Black Jack Black , I won’t quote them all here since you did it over several posts, but thanks for the Page 2068 (and beyond) recap of your SFO’s. I’m gonna bookmark that page, as I’m always forgetting which is which! (I still kick myself every now and then for passing on those beautiful Damascus models!)

I hope everyone is having a good day. Here it has been very dull, but also hot and humid, and I've been inside all day. The sun came out earlier, and I thought I might go and have a beer in the garden, but then the heavens opened, and it rained hard for about an hour! Fine again now, but I've settled in for the night ;) I'm going for a hike tomorrow, so I hope we don't get another downpour like that while I'm out! :eek: Having another of my Saltaire Brewery beers tonight, named after the patrician mill-owner, Sir Titus Salt, who named the village, and everything in it, after himself, and who forbade his workers alcohol on pain of eviction and the sack. As many of his employees were children, they probably weren't bothered about going to the pub anyway o_O So cheers Guardians, and 'Up yours Titus!' ;) :D :thumbsup:


You certainly did get a variety from that brewery, didn’t you? :eek: :D

Hope everyone is having a great day :) My hike wasn't up to much, but I am glad that I got out, it's been a while since I've been within 2-3 miles of my house! The weather was even worse than the forecast, gloomy, and raining mostly...

We stayed in the woods for most of the time (not particularly photogenic)...




In the woods there's a very small cottage, which until very recently, was a ruin. Dates from 1675.




This old gate leads into the Harewood Estate...


Excellent photos from your walk! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Wow Jack to me that was just an absolutely splendid post gave a look into a world I have never saw up close yet in someways it seems similar to the Appalachian Mountains where I live. I'm posting a few of pictures of the area I live if not appropriate to post them here I will be glad to take them down just let me know Jack Black Jack Black I don't want to derail this thread.
First my Lambsfoot picture.






Beautiful pics of your part of the world, too, Randy! :thumbsup:

:D :D

A few more photos from our trip! :)





I carry a Lambsfoot! ;) How about y’all! :D


Hope you‘re having a great vacation, Ron! :cool: :thumbsup: Thanks for sharing all the photos with us!

That movie (and that character, in particular) have some of the worst lines in the history of cinema! :confused:

That makes two of us! I was standing in my Birthday Suit about to get in the shower when it happened! :eek: Pam was yelling for me to come on! I had to throw my clothes on! ;) Actually it was sort of hectic to say the least! :rolleyes: :D

Safety first, Ron! If the fire alarm sounds, you gotta evacuate the building as is! :eek: ;) :D

A little extra Lambsfoot content, since I had to split my post up.


[First my post had too many characters, so I split it up. Then this second half had too many photos! So I had to edit a few out from all the walk-scenery-vacation-etc. photos that I quoted; nothing against those photos in particular, of course, they were all excellent.]
Hope you‘re having a great vacation, Ron! :cool: :thumbsup: Thanks for sharing all the photos with us!

Safety first, Ron! If the fire alarm sounds, you gotta evacuate the building as is! :eek: ;) :D

A little extra Lambsfoot content, since I had to split my post up.

Thanks Barrett! I hope we make it tomorrow without the alarm! Just to be on the safe side, I took my shower tonight! ;) Great photo of your Rosewood my friend! :) :thumbsup:

Great pictures Ron hope you guys had lots of fun.
Thank you Randy! :) :thumbsup: