Have you ever lost an expensive knife?

My condolences to those who were unable to return their pets!
There were a couple of moments in my life that made me very worried.
One day, when I came home after a day of work, I did not find my Microtech LUDT in my pocket. I searched all my things and my backpack. I checked the car, even removed the seat. I spent half the night tossing and turning in bed, remembering where I could have left him. In the morning, when I fastened my seat belt, I found it on the belt.
Even more interesting was the story from two years ago. My family and I and two other families of friends were vacationing at a campsite on a forest lake one hundred and twenty kilometers from the city. I needed to get back to work. And my wife and daughter stayed with friends who were supposed to bring them home in two days. Reluctantly, I left my Wenger ranger to my wife. I had to do this because it was the only corkscrew in the camp. People, you go camping, you take wine in bottles with corks, and you don't take a corkscrew! People, what are you thinking about?! Anyway, when they returned and I unpacked the equipment, the knife was gone. I dug through all the trunks, sleeping bags, and tent. The wife was already looking for the fifth corner in the quadrangular room to hide in. The next day I called everyone they were staying with. No one saw the knife. I had already started looking for a replacement, but then my wife decided to wash her backpack bag. It fits a wallet, a smartphone and a couple of packs of cigarettes. Of course the knife was there! :)
Does being scammed on an order count? I sent $850 to Dwaine Carrillo (Airkat Knives) for a knife about 10 years ago (have receipt) and he never fulfilled my order. He kept making excuses on his email replies (which I saved and still have) until eventually he just deleted his email address and disappeared. That's technically the only expensive knife I "lost"
Not sure if you knowā€¦but Dwaine passed away in October 2021
The only knife I ever lost track of is a Benchmade Bugout that I think disappeared during my move from Hawaii back to the mainland.
Was expensive for me at the time!, lost 2 old school Cold Steel "ultralocks" tanto and drop point. Awesome little knife.One of the first front flippers,with an interesting little bent knurled tab on the liner lock face, but a single clip screw in the zytel handle was the reason... the clip would chop out the zytel and get loose. Never bought another knife with a single clip screw, unless it's recessed in metal like a Sebenza or Lionsteel.
This still hurts. @ 20 years ago I lost a Desert Knife Works Sand Shark. I was looking for it one day at home and it had just disappeared. I took a couple trips to Tahoe prior to that and probably had a few too many drinks. Iā€™m assuming thatā€™s when it happened. I still search for it occasionally when Iā€™m cleaning the garage in hopes that it simply fell under a work bench or cabinet. Iā€™ll tell the kids to keep an eye out for it when theyā€™re going through my house after I pass. Theyā€™ll have plenty of work to do with all the other knives I have collected over my lifetime.
I lost a Benchmade 943 on a business trip about 10 years ago. I went to the airport and checked my bag. Got to the TSA check point and found my 943 on me. I couldn't go back and put it in my bag since it was already checked. Got to the checkpoint and I gave it to one of the local LEOs that were standing around. I told him that I carried this for over 10 years and said merry Christmas. I was crushed. Luckily, my wife bought me a replacement after I moped around the house for a few days when I returned. I won't make that mistake again.....ever.
I ā€œhidā€ an old Busse Mean Street, in a half drunk attempt to keep my friends from playing with it. Itā€™s been hidden for about 10 years. Iā€™ve moved 2xā€¦..itā€™s still hiding.
Just this one.
I lost an OTF Microtech due to a bent pocket clip. But because of their proprietary screws I was unable to bend it back before I got a bit to fix the bend! NEVER AGAIN will I buy Microtech or any other company that has proprietary screws.
Been looking for my CRK Mnandi off and on for about a year and a half now. The thing that's so frustrating about it is I know for a fact it's somewhere in the house. Just can't locate it.
It is threads like this that discourage me from carrying my CRK Mnandi. I tried again for a month or so but my paranoia about losing it has me carrying my Buck 501 again as an EDC.
Not sure if you knowā€¦but Dwaine passed away in October 2021

I did not know this. I placed the order on 2014 or 2015 when he was promising a 1yr turn around and still never got it, so my post still stands. I let it go a several years ago and chalked it up as an $850 loss. Is what it is.

I actually did just recently have an actual lost knife. I lost my Microtech Stitch auto. I think I accidentally dropped it in the wastebasket next to my desk and threw it out with the trash a few weeks ago. Very sucky.
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If you consider Benchmades expensive then yes, I've lost a few doing field work. The clips are pretty good but thick underbrush pulls them right off your pocket (silently) when you're doing 4am wildlife surveys.
While not a high-end knife I had an original Spyderco Shabaria stolen from me at a business I was helping. I set it down on a counter and walked away for just a few minutes and someone nicked it. It still pisses me off to this day. Now I only use cheap knives in work situations that I don't mind losing.
My son and I went to Walmart for charcoal after we had harvested some wood for bbq. I noticed my sheath was not slapping against my thigh quite like it should beā€¦. Looked down and saw an empty sheath. Felt instantly sick to my stomach.

I immediately went back to the car without even telling my boy. Found my BMe sitting in plain sight on the front seat (thank God). This one:

My son showed up seconds later going ā€œyou found it?ā€ He automatically knew what had happened when I bolted.