lum folder failing a spine whack test repeatedly

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I think what we have here is a failure to develop a sense of proportion.

He had 45+ Spydies which he thought were great knives. One was a dud so he got rid of almost all his good Spydies and is determined to whine incessantly and bash Spyderco forever because of the one.

His customer service problem? Given his propensity here for bombast, vulgarity, and confusion, I wouldn't be surprised if the best C/S rep in the business wouldn't have had a hard time understanding what on Earth he wanted from them.
Tummler - It's hard to take anything you say seriously. Please let me explain - your chosen on-line name "Tummler" is also the Yiddish word for "one who makes a racket". It is also the name given to the person given the task of getting audience participation in the old Borscht Belt entertainment circuit. The American Heritage Dictionary defines the word to mean "One who incites others to action."

I wonder is this is a coincidence.

Mods - please don't consider me a tummler for this post.

Tummler - It's hard to take anything you say seriously. Please let me explain - your chosen on-line name "Tummler" is also the Yiddish word for "one who makes a racket". It is also the name given to the person given the task of getting audience participation in the old Borscht Belt entertainment circuit. The American Heritage Dictionary defines the word to mean "One who incites others to action."

I wonder is this is a coincidence.

Mods - please don't consider me a tummler for this post.


I'm not jewish, so thats a new one on me... ever seen the movie "Gummo"
I think what we have here is a failure to develop a sense of proportion.

He had 45+ Spydies which he thought were great knives. One was a dud so he got rid of almost all his good Spydies and is determined to whine incessantly and bash Spyderco forever because of the one.

His customer service problem? Given his propensity here for bombast, vulgarity, and confusion, I wouldn't be surprised if the best C/S rep in the business wouldn't have had a hard time understanding what on Earth he wanted from them.

like I said, I really don't care for them anymore...
At least my post was on topic and accurately describing the situation. Your bringing up Strider was far out. Different company, different kind of knife, different price range.

And by the way, if you really were reading my post and thinking that, why didn't you point to it in the first place, instead of throwing out a random insult at the whole forum? If you don't say what you mean, we sure don't all go running for the crystal balls ...
If you can't understand the relevancy of my post about strider's customer service and how it relates to the op's comments and those of others, go back and read this thread again slowly as I have explained that several times already. If you still can't understand, it's ok, you tried, let it go.

My comment about bombast was general and not specific to you as there have been plenty of such comments. I used yours as an example because you were the one making the insulting comment asking if I was looking in a mirror.
I had an aquaintance who sent an old beat up dull endura that he bought or was given by someone else in to spyderco for repair they tested his knife and determined the lock was bad and sent him a new endura 4 for free without him even asking.

Understand that they are in no way obligated to do this for anyone and this was at their sole option to do so.

Tummler you asked, no not asked, but demanded that a company service a second hand out of production limited run defective knife without any proof whatsoever that the defect was was their fault to begin with and not a consequence of abuse or natural wear from the original owner who is not you.

Even if you were the oringinal owner and the defect was due to normal wear and they happened to have a load of replacements or parts they still could refuse, and they would be right, but from my what I have observed and read this is not the spirit this company operates with.

Tummler you are just being unreasonable, what you are demanding is not yours to demand. What are you saying? that you want $200.00 in credit or any amount of money from them for one of their limited production knives that you happened to buy off someone else, because they don't have any spare parts to help you out with, that would be a favour by the way, not an obligation, and now you are pissed off at them ????

Tummler I am the last person to buy into the warrenty bs scam. I rarely belive any company's warrenty is worth the paper it's written on, I generally take it all with a grain of salt, most companies will always try their best to blame the customer for crap that is their own fault, however there is no shred of proof here that this is the case. I really don't know if spyderco f#cked up the knife, the person who sold it to you did, or you, to be frank I personally don't belive you did, and I belive you did buy a bad knife but the fact remains that is quite possible you are frying the wrong person for the crime.

I belive you payed a good amount of you hard earned money for something that should definately perform better than what you described but please don't let your anger cloud your good judgement.
what happened how did I double post all I did was hit the back button on my browser
Here's an idea. Someone else that has a six year old Lum, whack that bi-otch on something and see what happens. If the lock fails, it's a flaw and should be remedied by Spyderco. If it doesn't, then tummler either got a bad apple or the previous owner messed it up. Either way, Spyderco should al least ask to see it before just recommending him buy another one for "parts" on the secondary market. No?
Either way, Spyderco should al least ask to see it before just recommending him buy another one for "parts" on the secondary market. No?

We don't know what Spyderco may have actually said.

We have no idea what the original communication between tummler and Spyderco was like. We only have tummler's version. Spyderco has said they have no record of it. This seems to have happened a while ago. It's late in the day for finding out what the truth was then.
Who ever might get that Lum will be lucky.
Ecentric pivot = easy fix
I got a great deal on one at a gun show that had a liner that traveled all the way to the other side.I had it fixed in less than 5 min.
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