Modified Production Knives (traditional only)


just got word from the modder, getting closer!!
I finally got around to doing the punch mod' on the RR sowbelly. It came out ok, not as nice as I hoped but it will still work. Next time I will keep the coffee to a minimum before I grind. :rolleyes::D




Looks really nice to me, I think you did a fine job! Looks factory.

Caffeine has spoiled a grind or two of mine, two ;) Being relaxed is key for me to do a job that impresses myself.
Looks really nice to me, I think you did a fine job! Looks factory.

Caffeine has spoiled a grind or two of mine, two ;) Being relaxed is key for me to do a job that impresses myself.

That is very kind of you to say, traumkommode. I didn't originally plan on the grind getting that close to the nail nick but I guess it could have been worse. Next time I will take a shot or three of whiskey instead a cup or three of coffee. ;)

finally back from its modification process and right on time too!
Now, that is a gooood lookin' knife! :thumbsup:
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After carrying my previously modified dogleg jack for several days, I decided I couldn't do without the straight-edged secondary, so off to the belt sander I went. Pen to coping, now it's done . . . really! ;)


Like it ! I did basically the same mod to a Case 63087 - I always feel lost without a straight edge of some kind ... so I took the spey blade to the disc sander and created a coping blade - just works for me.