Outrage: NYC DA Shakes Down Knife Retailers

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Tom19176: Thank you for the investigations and insights.
The knife store in Seaford, I frequent, is the "Bladesman" on Sunrise Hwy.
I believe the other (Marty) is T&T Gunnery.


I was in both stores this weekend. Both still carry Spyderco, Benchmade, and other locking folders.
This Vance character is just another jerk trying to make a name for himself... Man , I despise his mindset.


Actually he's one of those hereditary politicians. His father, Cyrus Vance Sr, was Secretary of State for the Carter White House.

I always think of BCCI (infamous international drug money laundromat bank) when I think of the Carter White House, so I looked up Cyrus Vance Sr in the index of a book I've got on BCCI. Not much there, but it appears Vance Sr made a secret trip to Pakistan in advance of President Carter's later public visit. Vance and later Carter had been hosted by BCCI's protocol department rather than Pakistani officials. That's how those boys rolled. Politics, gotta love it.
This whole story is disgusting. It is amazing how few people have replied to this thread. This is an issue, the entire knife community needs to be aware of and get involved in. I have made respectable donations to akti.org and kniferights.org

No this isn't a sale ad for them either!

It is an avenue leading to freedom! Please follow me and several others in this fight and send in the form letters, which can be found on either site above. If you are so motivated writting your own letter, is even better.

This problem will DEFINATELY spread, throughout the entire industry and YOUR local laws, if we do not stand up and fight!

I hope to see this thread getting more attention.

Sorry for the rant, but this subject matter really scares me!
While writing up the story of the New York DA's assault on our knife rights for the next issue of Knives Illustrated, I called Home Depot for quotes. After being switched around for a while, I finally was put in touch with a lady who said that Home Depot had "worked with District Attorney Vance", they "appreciated his effort", and they were participating in a "collaborative effort."

From the press release from the DA's office that includes an upcoming Home Depot knife buy-back program, and helping fund a "knife awareness" program from the New York DA's office.

I cannot understand why a company with Home Depot's assets couldn't have taken the lead in fighting this. And they sell knives everywhere else!

Lowes has basically the same stuff, they have not shown themselves to be anti-knife, and at least here their stores are a lot cleaner. I can even look over them sponsoring Jimmy Johnson in Nascar from this point forward.

I will NOT be setting foot in Home Depot. Spread the word.
While writing up the story of the New York DA's assault on our knife rights for the next issue of Knives Illustrated, I called Home Depot for quotes. After being switched around for a while, I finally was put in touch with a lady who said that Home Depot had "worked with District Attorney Vance", they "appreciated his effort", and they were participating in a "collaborative effort."

From the press release from the DA's office that includes an upcoming Home Depot knife buy-back program, and helping fund a "knife awareness" program from the New York DA's office.

I cannot understand why a company with Home Depot's assets couldn't have taken the lead in fighting this. And they sell knives everywhere else!

Lowes has basically the same stuff, they have not shown themselves to be anti-knife, and at least here their stores are a lot cleaner. I can even look over them sponsoring Jimmy Johnson in Nascar from this point forward.

I will NOT be setting foot in Home Depot. Spread the word.

Home Depot will never see another dollar of mine. Makes me sick how they think it is a good thing, why don't we just go in there and get rid of their lawn mowers, edgers, hedge trimmers, MACHETES, on and on until all they sell is ply-wood? I'm sure we can regulate plywood sales too because of the potential for splinters :grumpy:
Here in IN, I can feel the squeeze of being between IL and NY. It makes me ill.

Knife buy back? I just can't understand it. This is just as bad as the customs BS last year. Worse even because it's so public.

I will be following this and doing anything I am able. Starting with kniferights.com
That is a real disappointment with Home Depot. I've liked that store and been going there my whole life pretty much. My dad would take me there to get lumber for projects he/we would work on from when I was 6 or so and up.

Though a little bit of info as to why they may not be fighting this. There was a news article where Home Depot didn't want to pay a man for his invention that wound up in every store to protect people who used a circular saw(I think) to cut wood. He was asking a couple of million dollars for it. When the CEO or somebody at the top was asked about paying him he was quoted to saying, paraphrasing here, "F*ck him, let him sue us." Long story short, HD did get sued and they had to pay the guy $20 million or so.

I think HD just wants to save some money on this and rather not shell out the cash for it. Fighting the DA on this would cost a lost of money and in their eyes they probably wouldn't see any real benefit. Like the story above, it seems they rather just play along then spend any unnecessary money. In any case, I'm not sure what the buy back program is really all about. Though I have the feeling the knife awareness program will simply be some scare tactic bs that simply says how many times knives are used in crimes and how many people are attacked by people armed with knives.
Any English style "knife buyback/surrender" or "knife awareness" program funded by Home Depot should start a total boycott of their stores by any one that cares about their rights in this country.

Maybe the DA should shake them down for selling "bomb making materials" too. Every large store of the Home Depot type sells many items that could be used in a IED, including propane tanks. And those could be a lot more of a danger to the public that a few folding knives.

Home Depot needs to understand that appeasement is not going to save them in the end.
Any English style "knife buyback/surrender" or "knife awareness" program funded by Home Depot should start a total boycott of their stores by any one that cares about their rights in this country.

Maybe the DA should shake them down for selling "bomb making materials" too. Every large store of the Home Depot type sells many items that could be used in a IED, including propane tanks. And those could be a lot more of a danger to the public that a few folding knives.

Home Depot needs to understand that appeasement is not going to save them in the end.

Agreed, boycotting them myself and passing it on to my friends
While writing up the story of the New York DA's assault on our knife rights for the next issue of Knives Illustrated, I called Home Depot for quotes. After being switched around for a while, I finally was put in touch with a lady who said that Home Depot had "worked with District Attorney Vance", they "appreciated his effort", and they were participating in a "collaborative effort."

From the press release from the DA's office that includes an upcoming Home Depot knife buy-back program, and helping fund a "knife awareness" program from the New York DA's office.

I cannot understand why a company with Home Depot's assets couldn't have taken the lead in fighting this. And they sell knives everywhere else!

Lowes has basically the same stuff, they have not shown themselves to be anti-knife, and at least here their stores are a lot cleaner. I can even look over them sponsoring Jimmy Johnson in Nascar from this point forward.

I will NOT be setting foot in Home Depot. Spread the word.

In any case, an effective boycott and letter writing campaign takes some time to set up for maximum effectiveness. Nobody has been asleep at the switch. Stay tuned. ;)
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If there's a boycott to be undertaken, I think it should be against NYC until the DA is removed or better yet, prosecuted.
If there's a boycott to be undertaken, I think it should be against NYC until the DA is removed or better yet, prosecuted.

Now this is a good idea! By the looks of this thread and it's limited replies, there aren't enough people willing to fight for knife rights in this country. I am really scared because of this. I do not want America to become england!

this is BULLSHITE if you dont mind me saying... im a resident of New york city... in manhattan... most people here dont carry pocket knives because they mainly work in offices and stuff like that.... my favorite thing in the world is KNIVES and GUNS and yet where i live its the worst place for them as the laws are the strictest here... in the world.... ffs.... theres not much i can do... join the NRA of course... and try sending letters to my congressman to get knife laws lightened up... and i always carry a knife on me everyday... but i cant clip it to my pocket when iam outside it has to ride IN my pocket when i rather have it clipped to my pocket.. im just afraid the NYPD is gana stop me and ask about it.... although i carry a juice S2 with me no problem as the blade is under 4inches.. no lock.. and not gravity... do you guys know the laws of carrying a knife in NYC!!! its ridiculous!!!... under a 4inch blade.. which is fine with me thats what i have/like anyway.... also it cant be a gravity knife or a knife you open with one hand.... and GET THIS!!!! IT CANT HAVE A LOCK! no quality knives dont have locks.. i mean seriously.. but w.e i still carry knives with locks on em...
this is BULLSHITE if you dont mind me saying... im a resident of New york city... in manhattan... most people here dont carry pocket knives because they mainly work in offices and stuff like that.... my favorite thing in the world is KNIVES and GUNS and yet where i live its the worst place for them as the laws are the strictest here... in the world.... ffs.... theres not much i can do... join the NRA of course... and try sending letters to my congressman to get knife laws lightened up... and i always carry a knife on me everyday... but i cant clip it to my pocket when iam outside it has to ride IN my pocket when i rather have it clipped to my pocket.. im just afraid the NYPD is gana stop me and ask about it.... although i carry a juice S2 with me no problem as the blade is under 4inches.. no lock.. and not gravity... do you guys know the laws of carrying a knife in NYC!!! its ridiculous!!!... under a 4inch blade.. which is fine with me thats what i have/like anyway.... also it cant be a gravity knife or a knife you open with one hand.... and GET THIS!!!! IT CANT HAVE A LOCK! no quality knives dont have locks.. i mean seriously.. but w.e i still carry knives with locks on em...

You will be surprised by your power in sending one simple letter. I wrote one sentence and within an hour there is you. One more outraged civilian of suffering. Call out to anyone you know to stand proud and strong for your rights. It starts by contacting vances office and respectfully logging a complaint. Letters are the strongest form of communication though, it shows you are willing to act and fight.
I had opportunity to take training in Manhattan and chose another location in another state instead. The class itself was 1800, hotel would have been ~ $200 a night plus transportation, food, etc. Obviously, that's an infinitesimal drop in a nearly infinite bucket but whatever - there's my money where my mouth is. Anyone else?
Doug, any updates yet? The rest of NY has not changed as of yet to respond to the call to interpet the law the same way as he has. I have been in several stores that are still selling these type of knives in other parts of NYC ( Queens, Brooklyn), and the rest of NYS.
Doug, any updates yet? The rest of NY has not changed as of yet to respond to the call to interpet the law the same way as he has. I have been in several stores that are still selling these type of knives in other parts of NYC ( Queens, Brooklyn), and the rest of NYS.

Maybe Vance unplugged his head from his butt and stopped breaking his own laws!:jerkit:
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