Worst YT reviewer/knife channel ?

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hey wasn't that a jdavis video?

that's pure class john lol...

Sure it was. I can lay out a few more of my past mistakes if you'd like to critique those as well? I'm willing to let you take this as far as you want; I'm even willing to provide you with more ammo to do so. I have made many, many mistakes in the past. I'm sure I'll make many more in the future.

You don't realize it quite yet, but airing your personal problem with me over and over again on this forum is only making you look bad. By all means, carry on brother!
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This is how this situation of opinion.

Basically, an opinion is being given, but an opinion of the opinion is being given back.
Then this thread of opinion is created to obtain more opinion, opinion being a self thing.

It takes spam to give opinion about opinion, but in my opinion its pretty occupational to some who are opinionated.
But sometimes an opinion cant be thought of so that mentally challenged human got personal, then the opinionation of the nation beca e an argument at a personal level, because the opinion was not the opinion someone else wanted to receive so in that persons opinion he or she had an opinion that his opinion of his opinion wasnt actually an opinion but was truth then the opinion was no longer opinion but was just whinging about other people at a personal level.

then I think tears for fears wrote and sang 'madworld
I find the "youtube knife community" somewhat educational but foremost entertaining AND inspiring. Also I got a friend for life through youtube...
I find the silent, no commentary, unboxings creepy. There's another guy that likes acquiring "nice things," but reviews aren't very informative, the commentary is pretty much a lot of, "which I like" and "which is nice." If I were to compare it to an auto review, it would be, "the Audi R8 has doors, which I like and windows, which is nice."
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Bro huge group hug! stop taking life so serious. WHY SO SERIOUS????? :p:playful:
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Come on Man...isnt this suppose to be a hobby and fun for us....i'm sure thats why they made Blade Forums and Youtube to express yourself. Four_shore or Dan, hey man i sux at making vids but i want to be part of the youtube blade community, i've made some good friends on there, like Solo and Smokeater of some of the other guyz you peeps are talking about, except NUTS? that guys alittle to far out there. LMAO I've learned alot on forums and youtube about knives and there is alot of information out there to learn, you just need to know how to filter all the bs. just my opinion, keep on the pissing match. dueces. :D
This is getting awkward...

I would like to post my opinion on the subject, there are channels I watch daily. And there are ones I don't bother watching anymore. But this thread is ridiculous, a bash thread to put down guys/gals who go out of their way and take time out of there busy lives to bring us entertaining knife related content. I see no reason for a thread to put down other knife enthusiasts and their personal opinions. if I do not agree with their personal philosophies and perspectives I simply don't go out of my way to watch their content. This topic is childish and immature. I'm surprised it hasent been locked yet.
I can't name a single youtube reviewer that stinks, because I don't watch the ones that stink. As a general rule, the ones with the poor audio, gigantic pauses and excessive "huhs" and silence are the ones I turn off and never come back to.

I love Nutnfancy and watch just about everything thing he posts, but understand why so many people dislike him. I guess I just have a sweeter spirit than you guys.
That scene was no shit one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Jessie's uncomfortable act was spot on!

I would like to go out of my way and thank you crimsontishooter, your older videos began me on my knife collecting journey. Whenever I find myself on the fence about a future knife purchase I seek out your opinions on the product to sway me either way. Always straight forward easy to digest material. Thank you and keep up the good work sir
Well, I used my SMF w/CPM-154 all day today on a family member's construction job and I'd like to thank CrimsonTideShooter for the heads up (on his YT channel) on how well this steel holds its edge.
I would like to go out of my way and thank you crimsontishooter, your older videos began me on my knife collecting journey. Whenever I find myself on the fence about a future knife purchase I seek out your opinions on the product to sway me either way. Always straight forward easy to digest material. Thank you and keep up the good work sir

Thanks brother. :)

I wonder how many people who bash nutnfancy go secretly watch his videos?

Probably a lot. I'm one of them, although I don't bash him. He's a fascinating individual, lol.

Well, I used my SMF w/CPM-154 all day today on a family member's construction job and I'd like to thank CrimsonTideShooter for the heads up (on his YT channel) on how well this steel holds its edge.

Thanks man! Their CPM-154 is great great great stuff. I still carry my SMF-CC every day, and I've still not had to take it back to stones yet. Stropping on the .5 micron diamond spray keeps it beyond razor sharp, everywhere except where the edge is damaged/rolled.
I'm just getting started with doing knife reviews and the like on Youtube. I just opened my channel back in January of this year, so needless to say my own reviews are far from being the best. Hopefully this will get better over time. As for other reviewers that I find to be my least favorite reviewer, going to have to go with nutnfancy.

Link to my channel for those who're interested: http://www.youtube.com/user/JSMcustoms?feature=mhee
Sure it was. I can lay out a few more of my past mistakes if you'd like to critique those as well? I'm willing to let you take this as far as you want; I'm even willing to provide you with more ammo to do so. I have made many, many mistakes in the past. I'm sure I'll make many more in the future.

You don't realize it quite yet, but airing your personal problem with me over and over again on this forum is only making you look bad. By all means, carry on brother!

ahhh, the humble approach..

just because you were on the list of people mentioned doesn't mean that im airing out a personal problem with you. contrary to what you may think i didn't start this thread with the intention of making it all about you. you're not the worst of the bunch that's for sure.

ever hear of that mindsmirror guy? absolute mental case...

the all time worst is x4cto.

cutlerylover seems like one hell of a nice guy but these days his channel covers just about everything but cutlery. which makes him great because knife people are still willing to watch his half hour videos about dental procedures and whatnot lol.

smokeeater is an extremely dull and boring version of the cajunblaze. bad channel? no, just dry.

cajunblaze has a great personality and ability to make his videos comical and entertaining (effortlessly).

zippothisknifethat (nate) is a friend of mine here on the forums, great guy.

nutn i just dont have time for. he never shuts up and is 99% ego (dead horse, i know)...

solo (as mentioned earlier) is a favorite of mine. he seems down to earth and not egotistical whatsoever. great info and passion for knives without a giant head.

jdavis you're a well spoken guy and have the ability to make great videos. i enjoyed some of your older stuff actually. i also realize that solo was a major influence on you. so much that for a minute or two you may have even tried to be him. just be yourself.

that's my opinion and it's subject to change.

i realize that it's not easy to make vids but letting your head grow with each subscription can and will backfire (even if it's unintentional).

thanks everyone for contributing to the discussion.

i'll keep it open and let others share their opinions. if you disagree with the thread, simply don't get involved.

we're all adults here.
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No humble approach, just being real. The gods honest truth is that I just don't have the energy to argue, so I'll just sit back and take my licks.

The way I look at it, everyone does stuff from time to time that they're not proud of, the thing with YT is that it's there for the world to see, permanently if you don't take it down. I actually leave some of my more embarassing moments up on purpose, just for levity. People that know me in real life know that I am very self deprecating, and absolutely quick to lay blame on myself. It genuinely confuses me how I can come off as being the exact opposite of that in my vids. Just another one of life's mysteries I reckon.
I wouldn't spend another second even thinking about it, those that enjoy your channel will watch it and those that don't can move on. So far I haven't be billed for any of the tidbits of information I've picked up from your videos so I hardly see why anyone should be complaining. Plus, everyone makes mistakes...everyone, so how about the stop throwing stones at one of our own.

We are ALL here because we share a common interest so let's focus on rather than all the negativity.
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