Your newest addition:traditionals of course!

😁 👍

Next, you can start looking for Dura-Tool versions.

It has a bail..... I'm sold.... Where do I sign up.

Maybe I can just put one on the what-a-knife though ... Hmm....
I feel like there was a story with the long pull on those that extends onto the tang, but I can’t remember. Charlie waynorth waynorth might know.
Well, sometimes high-end knives had pulls through the tang, some going right through to the pivot area!! I never could decide whether it served a function!! :rolleyes: Looks cool in most cases!!!:)

Added thought; oil would drip quickly into the "blade-bearing" area - maybe!!
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Well, sometimes high-end knives had pulls through the tang, some going right through to the pivot area!! I never could decide whether it served a function!! :rolleyes: Looks cool in most cases!!!:)

Thanks, Charlie. It’s certainly an interesting feature. I tagged you because I was pretty sure I remembered a specific discussion about that extra-long pull, but it was actually the 2016 TC I was thinking about (the “Barlow in Every Pocket” run), not the 2018 knife that Paul posted.

Having sorted that out, I went back and was able to find the discussion from your Barlow thread:

There is a slight difference from past clip blade TC Barlows. Anyone spot it yet??
The long pull extends further ?
Looks like the long nail pull goes right into the tang.
John and Lloyd, you guys are too quick!
I see that pull on a bunch of my old Barlows, and asked Bill to cut it in there.
Those little details turn my obsessive crank!!

Bill must’ve liked what y’all came up with for the 2016 TC, because he took that long pull even further onto the tang on those 2018 boys knives. 😁


(Sorry for the subpar photo, don’t have any good lighting this time of night.)
I liked the Otter 07 Sapeli with the lever lock so much that decided to get the back lock version. The lever lock, although nice and firm, has some issues. The lever gets in the way, so "normal" back lock should be easier in everyday use. Also the lever makes it a bit difficult to make a suitable belt sheath. So when the back lock version comes available (should happen in a few weeks) I will order one from my trusted web shop.

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Extra long pull 😂😂. Do you know why the long pull extends into the tang?. I’ve seen yours and it is what got me searching for one 😁.

I feel like there was a story with the long pull on those that extends onto the tang, but I can’t remember. Charlie waynorth waynorth might know.

Well, sometimes high-end knives had pulls through the tang, some going right through to the pivot area!! I never could decide whether it served a function!! :rolleyes: Looks cool in most cases!!!:)

Added thought; oil would drip quickly into the "blade-bearing" area - maybe!!

Thanks, Charlie. It’s certainly an interesting feature. I tagged you because I was pretty sure I remembered a specific discussion about that extra-long pull, but it was actually the 2016 TC I was thinking about (the “Barlow in Every Pocket” run), not the 2018 knife that Paul posted.

Having sorted that out, I went back and was able to find the discussion from your Barlow thread:

Bill must’ve liked what y’all came up with for the 2016 TC, because he took that long pull even further onto the tang on those 2018 boys knives. 😁


(Sorry for the subpar photo, don’t have any good lighting this time of night.)
I had asked this over on a GEC FB page is basiclly this was the consenses. Intentions or ties to old Barlows and a possible candidate for the Ancient 2.0, How much is gospel is unsure (on my end anyways) ;) :)
Just received the replacement for the Mercury stag lockback (see above) that had the seriously off center blade. This one is dead center with stag more to my liking. It does have the same familial recurve that Jeff black mamba black mamba pointed out. That was a flaw? that I hadn’t noticed and never bothered me, but now I can’t unsee it. Oh well. All in all, I’m very happy with it. It’s just what I wanted. A large 4 1/2” stag folder.
Just received the replacement for the Mercury stag lockback (see above) that had the seriously off center blade. This one is dead center with stag more to my liking. It does have the same familial recurve that Jeff black mamba black mamba pointed out. That was a flaw? that I hadn’t noticed and never bothered me, but now I can’t unsee it. Oh well. All in all, I’m very happy with it. It’s just what I wanted. A large 4 1/2” stag folder.
To me, a perfect example of what stag should look like.👍🏻
Alan, the stag is exemplary! 🤩 With that stag the recurve wouldn't bother me. Just get a 400-600 grit sharpening rod to keep that recurve in shape. :thumbsup:
A couple that came in last weekend that I traded for with another forum member. 1965-69 Case Medium Stockman and a 1975-87 era Battle Axe Premium Stockman. OH

Bruce, they both have some good looking jigging and beautiful color.
Just received today, the Remington Ranch Hand R103. I have been looking at these for a while and wanted one as a user. I found this one for a fair price, in pretty good shape other than some blade rap on the main blade, not too worried about that it will sharpen out eventually.