A 2016 Forum Knife. An apology, and The Crossroads!

The only thing that I don't like about the swayback type frame on the #47 Sheepsfoot is that it is Very comfortable in a hammer grip, but just as uncomfortable held any other way...

The carpenter's knife had many handle types. The swayback type is just one option. Some were similar to GEC's 85 or 15 patterns. I was hoping that Charlie would do a run of the TC barlows with this blade configuration. I think the 15 pattern is a nice size for 2 full blades. 3.5" was a pretty common size for the oldies so the 47 pattern would be larger than typical.
Borrowed this picture from the "Old Knives" thread, originally posted by C. Noyes.

A punch is extremely useful and you'd be surprised how often you use it daily. Perfect for poking, prodding, puncturing, piercing and picking.

Thanks for finding that pic. I tried looking for a single spring with an awl but had no luck. I was starting to wonder if one existed.
I still think that a sheepsfoot blade instead of a spear would be really cool, but regardless of the main blade that is a very sweet pattern. I also hope we go with handles that vary in character. It adds just a little extra surprise to the hole process.
I really enjoy this LF&C whittler. It's equal-end, about 3-5/8'' long, VERY thin in pocket! They managed to get a punch & scalpel-thin spey in a rather tight package.



While I'll morn the delay in the Scout pattern, I'd be very happy with a slim Equal End. Could we have either a fairly low Clip or drop point main and a pen secondary? Maybe with tortoise acrylic scales? Flat, threaded bolsters?
I have aways been partial to a simple dogleg jack or serpentine trapper.

That being said, there have been quite a few people who have expressed their want of a carbon steel version of the Case seahorse whittler with a thinner main.

A one spring half whit that has a Wharncliffe main and a coping secondary, 3 1/2" - 3 3/4" closed length might work out well.
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I would like to see a stockman done on the 92 Eureka frame...maybe with a punch instead of the spey.
The only thing that would really disappoint me would be no 2016 BladeForums knife. I'm in for whatever the end product is.
While I am not 100% committed, I can feel myself being drawn into helping to bring about just one more Forum Knife.
If I get the OKs from the powers that be (that includes all of you!), and if we can come to a consensus on a knife and the handling of it, I'm in. I feel that the sense of community this tradition brings about is invaluable!

Charlie, anything you want to bring about will have 100% support from Gary and I.
I am in...terested.
Admittedly, I have a preference for single blades; so I'd likely buy one regardless of the specifics. A two blader, depending on the setup, could still be very appealing.
Lambsfoot main? Oh, yeah :thumbup:
Secondary punch or coping - I'm there.
Other options? Who am I to say? I'll keep my eyes open for developments.

Thank you, sir, for deciding to do this.
An Ettrick, Please :D Never been done, One blade, curvy beauty.

Great that you're in again Charlie, Thanks.

Best regards


Robin my friend- When I saw your post - it hit me!!! 'YES.....Robin is bang on ETTRICK IT MUST BE"
Thanks for posting that, Philllll!!
It is easier to persuade Bill (and Me!!) to do a traditional knife, if some actually exist in tradition!

Anyone else got something to show us??

Bill's not ready to do a Sowbelly yet, but stick with him long enough, and you will probably see one!

I missed this post. Good to hear that they will probably make a sowbelly knife in the future!

Here's an old Robeson to ponder...



That's a good looking knife! I like it!

Charlie, anything you want to bring about will have 100% support from Gary and I.

Absolutely! :thumbup::thumbup:

I know that if Charlie is involved, it will be desirable. I am in.

I'm sure everyone will rally behind Charlie. He always has great ideas anyway!
Borrowed this picture from the "Old Knives" thread, originally posted by C. Noyes.

A punch is extremely useful and you'd be surprised how often you use it daily. Perfect for poking, prodding, puncturing, piercing and picking.

Good example of how aesthetic an Equal End knife can be. If an Awl was not wanted, a small Clip blade could be substituted as the minor blade, the sort you can see on a CASE/Bose Norfolk or some Whittlers.

The Carpenter's Knife would be promising too, again you could have a small minor Sheepfoot or just leave it single blade. That shield is wonderful and no lanyard hole either please....